Transfer hbar
Last updated
Last updated
1. Click on the Create tab from the top navigation bar 2. Click on SELECT and select Transfer
3. Optionally, enter any comments you would like to provide with this transaction for other members to view
4. Select the date and time the transaction will be submitted on
The selected date/time for transaction submission should include enough time to collect the required number of signatures and prepare to submit.
5. Optionally, enter a memo that will live with the transaction and viewable by anyone on the Hedera network
6. Enter the Hedera account ID of the account paying for the transaction fee
7. Enter the account ID of the node that will submit the transaction. The default node account ID is displayed
8. Enter the account ID and value of hbar will be debited from
9. Click ACCEPT
If you add multiple senders, it will aggregate the total number of hbar to distribute to the receiver account(s).
10. Enter the account ID and value of hbar of the receiving account
The value of hbar that is being debited from the sender account must equal the value of hbar credited to the receiver account.
11. Click ACCEPT
Select the location where you would like to store the transaction. If you would like to view it in your application to sign, store it in the InputFiles directory.