Individual transactions

Individual transactions will be made available for you to sign on the application HOME screen. The transaction types include the following:

  • Create new accounts

  • Account updates

  • Account transfers

  • File content updates

  • Remove or restore files or smart contracts

A transfer transaction will appear as the following notification on your HOME screen:

The transaction type is labeled at the top left of the notification. For this example, the transaction type is labeled as "Transfer Transaction."

Signing the transaction

  • The application will display any keys that are available to sign the transaction with

    • This is true if you have added the account information for the specified account in the transaction to your application

  • You can select BROWSE to add a key that is not stored within the application Keys folder

  • You can select ADD MORE to add keys from your application Keys folder

  • If you would not like to sign the transaction click DECLINE

  • Once all the keys are selected click SIGN and enter your password

The transaction task will now be in the history section of the HOME screen. If you would like to use another key to sign the same transaction you may navigate to the transaction in the application history and click ADD SIGNATURE.

Last updated