In this section, you will learn how to make a simple Hedera account. Hedera accounts are the entry point by which you can interact with the Hedera APIs. Accounts hold a balance of HBAR used to pay for API calls for the various transaction and query types.
Generate a private and public key to associate with the account you will create.
//Create your Hedera Testnet client//Client client = Client.forTestnet();//client.setOperator(myAccountId, myPrivateKey)//-----------------------<enter code below>--------------------------------------// Generate a new key pairPrivateKey newAccountPrivateKey =PrivateKey.generateED25519();PublicKey newAccountPublicKey =newAccountPrivateKey.getPublicKey();
//const client = Client.forTestnet();//client.setOperator(myAccountId, myPrivateKey);//-----------------------<enter code below>--------------------------------------//Create new keysconstnewAccountPrivateKey=PrivateKey.generateED25519(); constnewAccountPublicKey=newAccountPrivateKey.publicKey;
//client := hedera.ClientForTestnet()//client.SetOperator(myAccountId, myPrivateKey)//-----------------------<enter code below>--------------------------------------//Generate new keys for the account you will createnewAccountPrivateKey, err := hedera.PrivateKeyGenerateEd25519()if err !=nil {panic(err)}newAccountPublicKey := newAccountPrivateKey.PublicKey()
Step 3: Create a new account
Create a new account using AccountCreateTransaction(). Use the public key created in the previous step to enter in the setKey() field. This will associate the key pair generated in the previous step with the new account. The public key of the account is visible to the public and can be viewed in a mirror node explorer. The private key is used to authorize account-related transactions like transferring HBAR or tokens from that account to another account. The account will have an initial balance of 1,000 tinybars funded from your testnet account created by the Hedera portal.
You can view transactions successfully submitted to the network by getting the transaction ID and searching for it in a mirror node explorer. The transaction ID is composed of the account ID that paid for the transaction and the transaction's valid start time e.g. 0.0.1234@1609348302. The transaction's valid start time is the time the transaction begins to be valid on the network. The SDK automatically generates a transaction ID for each transaction behind the scenes.
//Create new account and assign the public keyTransactionResponse newAccount =newAccountCreateTransaction().setKey(newAccountPublicKey).setInitialBalance(Hbar.fromTinybars(1000)).execute(client);
//Create a new account with 1,000 tinybar starting balanceconstnewAccount=awaitnewAccountCreateTransaction().setKey(newAccountPublicKey).setInitialBalance(Hbar.fromTinybars(1000)).execute(client);
//Create new account and assign the public keynewAccount, err := hedera.NewAccountCreateTransaction().SetKey(newAccountPublicKey).SetInitialBalance(hedera.HbarFrom(1000, hedera.HbarUnits.Tinybar)).Execute(client)
Step 4: Get the new account ID
The account ID for the new account is returned in the receipt of the transaction that created the account. The receipt provides information about the transaction like whether it was successful or not and any new entity IDs that were created. Entities include accounts, smart contracts, tokens, files, topics, and scheduled transactions. The account ID is in x.y.z format where z is the account number. The preceding values (x and y) default to zero today and represent the shard and realm number respectively. Your new account ID should result in something like 0.0.1234.
// Get the new account IDAccountId newAccountId =newAccount.getReceipt(client).accountId;//Log the account IDSystem.out.println("New account ID is: "+newAccountId);
// Get the new account IDconstgetReceipt=awaitnewAccount.getReceipt(client);constnewAccountId=getReceipt.accountId;//Log the account IDconsole.log("The new account ID is: "+newAccountId);
//Request the receipt of the transactionreceipt, err := newAccount.GetReceipt(client)if err !=nil {panic(err)}//Get the new account ID from the receiptnewAccountId :=*receipt.AccountID//Log the account IDfmt.Printf("The new account ID is %v\n", newAccountId)
Step 5: Verify the new account balance
Next, you will submit a query to the Hedera test network to return the balance of the new account using the new account ID. The current account balance for the new account should be 1,000 tinybars. Getting the balance of an account is free today.
//Check the new account's balanceAccountBalance accountBalance =newAccountBalanceQuery().setAccountId(newAccountId).execute(client);System.out.println("New account balance: "+accountBalance.hbars);
//Verify the account balanceconstaccountBalance=awaitnewAccountBalanceQuery().setAccountId(newAccountId).execute(client);console.log("The new account balance is: "+accountBalance.hbars.toTinybars() +" tinybar.");
//Create the account balance queryquery := hedera.NewAccountBalanceQuery().SetAccountID(newAccountId)//Sign with client operator private key and submit the query to a Hedera networkaccountBalance, err := query.Execute(client)if err !=nil {panic(err)}//Print the balance of tinybarsfmt.Println("The account balance for the new account is ", accountBalance.Hbars.AsTinybar())
⭐ Congratulations! You have successfully completed the following:
Created a new Hedera account with an initial balance of 1,000 tinybars.
Obtained the new account ID by requesting the receipt of the transaction.
Verified the starting balance of the new account by submitting a query to the network.
You are now ready to transfer some HBAR to the new account 🤑!
Code Check ✅
importcom.hedera.hashgraph.sdk.AccountId;importcom.hedera.hashgraph.sdk.HederaPreCheckStatusException;importcom.hedera.hashgraph.sdk.HederaReceiptStatusException;importcom.hedera.hashgraph.sdk.PrivateKey;importcom.hedera.hashgraph.sdk.Client;importcom.hedera.hashgraph.sdk.TransactionResponse;importcom.hedera.hashgraph.sdk.PublicKey;importcom.hedera.hashgraph.sdk.AccountCreateTransaction;importcom.hedera.hashgraph.sdk.Hbar;importcom.hedera.hashgraph.sdk.AccountBalanceQuery;importcom.hedera.hashgraph.sdk.AccountBalance;importio.github.cdimascio.dotenv.Dotenv;importjava.util.concurrent.TimeoutException;publicclassHederaExamples {publicstaticvoidmain(String[] args) throwsTimeoutException,HederaPreCheckStatusException,HederaReceiptStatusException {//Grab your Hedera Testnet account ID and private keyAccountId myAccountId =AccountId.fromString(Dotenv.load().get("MY_ACCOUNT_ID"));PrivateKey myPrivateKey =PrivateKey.fromString(Dotenv.load().get("MY_PRIVATE_KEY"));//Create your Hedera Testnet clientClient client =Client.forTestnet();client.setOperator(myAccountId, myPrivateKey);// Set default max transaction fee & max query paymentclient.setDefaultMaxTransactionFee(newHbar(100)); client.setMaxQueryPayment(newHbar(50)); // Generate a new key pairPrivateKey newAccountPrivateKey =PrivateKey.generateED25519();PublicKey newAccountPublicKey =newAccountPrivateKey.getPublicKey();//Create new account and assign the public keyTransactionResponse newAccount =newAccountCreateTransaction().setKey(newAccountPublicKey).setInitialBalance( Hbar.fromTinybars(1000)).execute(client);// Get the new account IDAccountId newAccountId =newAccount.getReceipt(client).accountId;System.out.println("\nNew account ID: "+newAccountId);//Check the new account's balanceAccountBalance accountBalance =newAccountBalanceQuery().setAccountId(newAccountId).execute(client);System.out.println("New account balance: "+accountBalance.hbars); }}
const {Client,PrivateKey,AccountCreateTransaction,AccountBalanceQuery,Hbar,} =require("@hashgraph/sdk");require("dotenv").config();asyncfunctionenvironmentSetup() {// Grab your Hedera testnet account ID and private key from your .env fileconstmyAccountId=process.env.MY_ACCOUNT_ID;constmyPrivateKey=process.env.MY_PRIVATE_KEY;// If we weren't able to grab it, we should throw a new errorif (myAccountId ==null|| myPrivateKey ==null) {thrownewError("Environment variables myAccountId and myPrivateKey must be present" ); }// Create your connection to the Hedera Networkconstclient=Client.forTestnet();client.setOperator(myAccountId, myPrivateKey);//Set the default maximum transaction fee (in Hbar)client.setDefaultMaxTransactionFee(newHbar(100));//Set the maximum payment for queries (in Hbar)client.setMaxQueryPayment(newHbar(50));// Create new keysconstnewAccountPrivateKey=PrivateKey.generateED25519();constnewAccountPublicKey=newAccountPrivateKey.publicKey;// Create a new account with 1,000 tinybar starting balanceconstnewAccount=awaitnewAccountCreateTransaction().setKey(newAccountPublicKey).setInitialBalance(Hbar.fromTinybars(1000)).execute(client);// Get the new account IDconstgetReceipt=awaitnewAccount.getReceipt(client);constnewAccountId=getReceipt.accountId;console.log("\nNew account ID: "+ newAccountId);// Verify the account balanceconstaccountBalance=awaitnewAccountBalanceQuery().setAccountId(newAccountId).execute(client);console.log("The new account balance is: "+accountBalance.hbars.toTinybars() +" tinybar." );return newAccountId;}environmentSetup();
packagemainimport ("fmt""os""""")funcmain() {//Loads the .env file and throws an error if it cannot load the variables from that file correctly err := godotenv.Load(".env")if err !=nil {panic(fmt.Errorf("Unable to load environment variables from .env file. Error:\n%v\n", err)) }//Grab your testnet account ID and private key from the .env file myAccountId, err := hedera.AccountIDFromString(os.Getenv("MY_ACCOUNT_ID"))if err !=nil {panic(err) } myPrivateKey, err := hedera.PrivateKeyFromString(os.Getenv("MY_PRIVATE_KEY"))if err !=nil {panic(err) }//Print your testnet account ID and private key to the console to make sure there was no error fmt.Printf("\nThe account ID is = %v\n", myAccountId) fmt.Printf("The private key is = %v", myPrivateKey)//Create your testnet client client := hedera.ClientForTestnet() client.SetOperator(myAccountId, myPrivateKey)// Set default max transaction fee & max query payment client.SetDefaultMaxTransactionFee(hedera.HbarFrom(100, hedera.HbarUnits.Hbar)) client.SetDefaultMaxQueryPayment(hedera.HbarFrom(50, hedera.HbarUnits.Hbar))//Generate new keys for the account you will create newAccountPrivateKey, err := hedera.PrivateKeyGenerateEd25519()if err !=nil {panic(err) } newAccountPublicKey := newAccountPrivateKey.PublicKey()//Create new account and assign the public key newAccount, err := hedera.NewAccountCreateTransaction().SetKey(newAccountPublicKey).SetInitialBalance(hedera.HbarFrom(1000, hedera.HbarUnits.Tinybar)).Execute(client)//Request the receipt of the transaction receipt, err := newAccount.GetReceipt(client)if err !=nil {panic(err) }//Get the new account ID from the receipt newAccountId :=*receipt.AccountID//Print the new account ID to the console fmt.Println("\n") fmt.Printf("New account ID: %v\n", newAccountId)//Create the account balance query query := hedera.NewAccountBalanceQuery().SetAccountID(newAccountId)//Sign with client operator private key and submit the query to a Hedera network accountBalance, err := query.Execute(client)if err !=nil {panic(err) }//Print the balance of tinybars fmt.Println("New account balance for the new account is", accountBalance.Hbars.AsTinybar())}