Enable KYC account flag

Grants KYC to the Hedera accounts for the given Hedera token. This transaction must be signed by the token's KYC Key.

  • If the provided account is not found, the transaction will be resolved to INVALID_ACCOUNT_ID.

  • If the provided account has been deleted, the transaction will resolve to ACCOUNT_DELETED.

  • If the provided token is not found, the transaction will resolve to INVALID_TOKEN_ID.

  • If the provided token has been deleted, the transaction will resolve to TOKEN_WAS_DELETED.

  • If an Association between the provided token and the account is not found, the transaction will resolve to TOKEN_NOT_ASSOCIATED_TO_ACCOUNT.

  • If no KYC Key is defined, the transaction will resolve to TOKEN_HAS_NO_KYC_KEY.

  • Once executed, the Account is marked as KYC Granted.

Transaction Signing Requirements

  • KYC key

  • Transaction fee payer account key

Transaction Fees

  • Please see the transaction and query fees table for the base transaction fee.

  • Please use the Hedera fee estimator to estimate your transaction fee cost.





The token for this account to have passed KYC




The account for this token to have passed KYC


//Enable KYC flag on account
TokenGrantKycTransaction transaction = new TokenGrantKycTransaction()

//Freeze the unsigned transaction, sign with the kyc private key of the token, submit the transaction to a Hedera network
TransactionResponse txResponse = transaction.freezeWith(client).sign(kycKey).execute(client);
//Request the receipt of the transaction
TransactionReceipt receipt = txResponse.getReceipt(client);
//Obtain the transaction consensus status
Status transactionStatus = receipt.status;

System.out.println("The transaction consensus status is " +transactionStatus);


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