Update a smart contract

A transaction that allows you to modify the smart contract entity state like admin keys, proxy account, auto-renew period, and memo. This transaction does not update the contract that is tied to the smart contract entity. The contract tied to the entity is immutable. The contract entity is immutable if an admin key is not specified. Once the transaction has been successfully executed on a Hedera network the previous field values will be updated with the new ones. To get a previous state of a smart contract instance, you can query a mirror node for that data. Any null field is ignored (left unchanged)

Transaction Signing Requirements

  • If only the expiration time is being modified, then no signature is needed on this transaction other than for the account paying for the transaction itself.

  • If any other smart contract entity property is being modified, the transaction must be signed by the admin key.

  • If the admin key is being updated, the new key must sign

Transaction Fees

  • Please see the transaction and query fees table for the base transaction fee

  • Please use the Hedera fee estimator to estimate your transaction fee cost

Smart Contract Properties


Note: The new expiration time must be an instance of type Timestamp, thus, the Timestamp object has to be imported from the SDK package. The new expiration time has to be initialized as a new instance of that type.

//Create the transaction 
ContractUpdateTransaction transaction = new ContractUpdateTransaction()

//Modify the default transaction fee
ContractUpdateTransaction modifyTransactionFee = transaction.setMaxTransactionFee(new Hbar(20));

//sign with the new admin key, sign with the old admin key, sign with the client operator account and submit to a Hedera network
TransactionResponse txResponse = modifyTransactionFee.freezeWith(client).sign(newAdminKey).sign(adminKey).execute(client);

//Get the consensus status of the transaction
Status transactionStatus = receipt.status;

System.out.println("The consensus status of the transaction is " +transactionStatus);


Get transaction values

//Create the transaction with an admin key
ContractUpdateTransaction transaction = new ContractUpdateTransaction()

//Get admin key


Last updated

Change request #2591: #631 HashioDAO docs