
Foundry empowers developers with tools for smart contract development. One of the three main components of Foundry is Forge. Forge is a Foundry command-line tool that allows developers to run tests, build, and deploy smart contracts.

Foundry Key benefits:

  • Write tests in Solidity & limit your context switching.

  • EVM cheatcodes give you more control over smart contract development.

This series of mini-tutorials demonstrates how to set up Foundry and use Forge for seamless integration with your Hedera project to test your smart contracts & how to fork Hedera Mainnet to test against deployed contracts.

The tutorials are self-contained and can be done in any order.

pageHow to Setup Foundry and Write a Basic Unit TestpageHow to Deploy and Verify a Hedera Smart Contract with FoundrypageHow to Test A Solidity EventpageHow to Fork Testnet on Latest Block

Last updated

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