Create a token
Check out "Getting Started with the Hedera Token Service" video tutorial in JavaScript here.
Create a new fungible or non-fungible token (NFT) on the Hedera network. After you submit the transaction to the Hedera network, you can obtain the new token ID by requesting the receipt.
You can also create, access, or transfer HTS tokens using smart contracts - see Hedera Service Solidity Libraries and Supported ERC Token Standards.
For non-fungible tokens, the token ID represents a NFT class. Once the token is created, you will have to mint each NFT using the token mint operation.
Note: It is required to set the initial supply for an NFT to 0.
Token Properties
Set the publicly visible name of the token. The token name is specified as a string of UTF-8 characters in Unicode. UTF-8 encoding of this Unicode cannot contain the 0 byte (NUL
). The token name is not unique. Maximum of 100 characters.
Token Type
The type of token to create. Either fungible or non-fungible.
The publicly visible token symbol. Set the publicly visible name of the token. The token symbol is specified as a string of UTF-8 characters in Unicode. UTF-8 encoding of this Unicode cannot contain the 0 byte (NUL
). The token symbol is not unique. Maximum of 100 characters.
The number of decimal places a token is divisible by. This field can never be changed.
Initial Supply
Specifies the initial supply of fungible tokens to be put in circulation. The initial supply is sent to the Treasury Account. The maximum supply of tokens is 9,223,372,036,854,775,807
) tokens and is in the lowest denomination possible. For creating an NFT, you must set the initial supply to 0.
Treasury Account
The account which will act as a treasury for the token. This account will receive the specified initial supply and any additional tokens that are minted. If tokens are burned, the supply will decreased from the treasury account.
Admin Key
The key which can perform token update and token delete operations on the token. The admin key has the authority to change the supply key, freeze key, pause key, wipe key, and KYC key. It can also update the treasury account of the token. If empty, the token can be perceived as immutable (not being able to be updated/deleted).
The key which can grant or revoke KYC of an account for the token's transactions. If empty, KYC is not required, and KYC grant or revoke operations are not possible.
Freeze Key
The key which can sign to freeze or unfreeze an account for token transactions. If empty, freezing is not possible.
Wipe Key
The key which can wipe the token balance of an account. If empty, wipe is not possible.
Supply Key
The key which can change the total supply of a token. This key is used to authorize token mint and burn transactions. If this is left empty, minting/burning tokens is not possible.
Fee Schedule Key
The key that can change the token's custom fee schedule. A custom fee schedule token without a fee schedule key is immutable.
Fee Schedule Key
The key which can change the token's custom fee schedule; must sign a TokenFeeScheduleUpdate transaction.
Pause Key
The key that has the authority to pause or unpause a token. Pausing a token prevents the token from participating in all transactions.
Custom Fees
Custom fees to charge during a token transfer transaction that transfers units of this token. Custom fees can either be fixed, fractional, or royalty fees. You can set up to a maximum of 10 custom fees.
Max Supply
For tokens of type FUNGIBLE_COMMON
- the maximum number of tokens that can be in circulation.
For tokens of type NON_FUNGIBLE_UNIQUE
- the maximum number of NFTs (serial numbers) that can be minted. This field can never be changed.
You must set the token supply type to FINITE if you set this field.
Supply Type
Specifies the token supply type. Defaults to INFINITE.
Freeze Default
The default Freeze status (frozen or unfrozen) of Hedera accounts relative to this token. If true, an account must be unfrozen before it can receive the token.
Expiration Time
The epoch second at which the token should expire; if an auto-renew account and period are specified, this is coerced to the current epoch second plus the autoRenewPeriod. The default expiration time is 90 days.
Auto Renew Account
An account which will be automatically charged to renew the token's expiration, at autoRenewPeriod interval. This key is required to sign the transaction if present. This is not currently enabled.
Auto Renew Period
The interval at which the auto-renew account will be charged to extend the token's expiry. The default auto-renew period is 131,500 minutes. This is not currently enabled.
A short publicly visible memo about the token.
Transaction Signing Requirements
Treasury key is required to sign
Admin key, if specified
Transaction fee payer key
Transaction Fees
Please see the transaction and query fees table for base transaction fee
Please use the Hedera fee estimator to estimate your transaction fee cost
new TokenCreateTransaction()
Initializes the TokenCreateTransaction object
Last updated
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