

A Networkish may be any of the following:

  • a Network object

  • the name of a common network as a string (e.g. "mainnet")

  • the chain ID a network as a number; if the chain ID is that of a common network, the name will be populated, otherwise, the default name "unknown" is used


A Network represents a Hedera network.

network.name ⇒ string

The human-readable name of the network, such as mainnet. If the network name is unknown, this will be "unknown".

network.chainId ⇒ number

The Chain ID of the network.


Used thoroughly in the hethers library to represent accounts/contracts/addresses in various forms.

 * `0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000001`
 * `0.0.1`
 * Account{shard:0, realm:0, num: 1}
type AccountLike = Account | string;

Events and Logs


filter.address ⇒ accountLike

The address to filter by, or null to match any address.

filter.topics ⇒ Array< string< Data< 32 > > | Array< string< Data< 32 > > > >

The topics to filter by or null to match any topics.

Each entry represents an AND condition that must match, or may be null to match anything. If a given entry is an Array, then that entry is treated as an OR for any value in the entry.

See Filters for more details and examples on specifying complex filters.

Filter (inherits EventFilter)

filter.fromTimestamp ⇒ string | number

The starting timestamp (inclusive) to search for logs matching the filter criteria.

filter.toTimestamp ⇒ string | number

The end timestamp (inclusive) to search for logs matching the filter criteria.


log.transactionLogIndex ⇒ number

The index of this log in the transaction.

log.address ⇒ accountLike

The address of the contract that generated this log.

log.data ⇒ string< DataHexString >

The data included in this log.

log.topics ⇒ Array< string< DataHexString< 32 > > >

The list of topics (indexed properties) for this log.

log.transactionHash ⇒ string< DataHexString< 48 > >

The transaction hash of the transaction of this log.

log.transactionIndex ⇒ number

The index of this log in the transaction.

log.logIndex ⇒ number

The index of this log in the transaction.



A transaction request describes a transaction that is to be sent to the network or otherwise processed.

All fields are optional and may be a promise which resolves to the required type.

transactionRequest.to ⇒ accountLike | Promise< accountLike >

The address this transaction it to.

transactionRequest.from ⇒ accountLike | Promise< accountLike >

The address this transaction is from.

transactionRequest.data ⇒ DataHexString | Promise< DataHexString >

The transaction data.

transactionRequest.value ⇒ BigNumber | Promise< BigNumber >

The amount (in tinybars) this transaction is sending.

transactionRequest.gasLimit ⇒ BigNumber | Promise< BigNumber >

The maximum amount of gas this transaction is permitted to use.

transactionRequest.chainId ⇒ number | Promise< number >

The chain ID this transaction is authorized on.

transactionRequest.type ⇒ null | number

Types will always be 0 in Hedera since envelope types are not supported as of now.

transactionRequest.accessList ⇒ AccessListish

Currently not supported in Hedera.

transactionRequest.customData ⇒ Record<string, any>

Any custom data as key-value pairs.


inherits Transaction

A TransactionResponse includes all properties of a Transaction as well as several properties that are useful once it has been mined.

transaction.timestamp ⇒ string

The timestamp of the transaction. If the transaction has not been mined, this is null.

transaction.raw ⇒ string< DataHexString >

The serialized transaction. This may be null as some backends do not rpopulate it. If this is required, it can be computed from a TransactionResponse.

transaction.wait( [ timeout ] ) ⇒ Promise< TransactionReceipt >

Resolves to the TransactionReceipt once the transaction has been mined. If timeout is not provided, and the transaction has not been mined, null is returned.

If the transaction execution failed (i.e. the receipt status is 0), a CALL_EXCEPTION error will be rejected with the following properties:

  • error.transaction - the original transaction

  • error.transactionHash - the hash of the transaction

  • error.receipt - the actual receipt, with the status of 0


receipt.to ⇒ string < Address >

The address this transaction is to. This is null if the transaction was an init transaction, used to deploy a contract.

receipt.from ⇒ string < Address >

The address this transaction is from.

receipt.contractAddress ⇒ string < Address >

If this transaction has a null to address, it is an init transaction used to deploy a contract, in which case this is the address created by that contract.

To compute a contract address, the getContractAddress utility function can also be used with a TransactionResponse object, which requires the transaction nonce and the address of the sender.

receipt.type ⇒ number

Types will always be 0 in Hedera since envelope types are not supported as of now.

receipt.gasUsed ⇒ BigNumber

The amount of gas actually used by this transaction.

receipt.logsBloom ⇒ string< DataHexString >

A bloom-filter, which includes all the addresses and topics included in any log in this transaction.

receipt.transactionHash ⇒ string< DataHexString< 48 > >

The transaction hash of this transaction.

receipt.logs ⇒ Array< Log >

All the logs emitted by this transaction.

receipt.cumulativeGasUsed ⇒ BigNumber

This is the sum of the gas used by the transaction, equals the gasUsed property.

This is generally of little interest to developers.

receipt.byzantium ⇒ boolean

This is true if the block is in a post-Byzantium Hard Fork block.

receipt.status ⇒ number

The status of a transaction is 1 is successful or 0 if it was reverted. Only transactions included in blocks post-Byzantium Hard Fork have this property.

Last updated