
A FixedNumber is a fixed-width (in bits) number with an internal base-10 divisor, which allows it to represent a decimal fractional component.

Creating Instances

The FixedNumber constructor cannot be called directly. There are several static methods for creating a FixedNumber.

FixedNumber.from( value [ , format = "fixed" ] ) ⇒ FixedNumber

Returns an instance of a FixedNumber for value as a format.

FixedNumber.fromBytes( aBytesLike [ , format = "fixed" ] ) ⇒ FixedNumber

Returns an instance of a FixedNumber for value as a format.

FixedNumber.fromString( value [ , format = "fixed" ] ) ⇒ FixedNumber

Returns an instance of a FixedNumber for value as a format. The value must not contain more decimals than the format permits.

FixedNumber.fromValue( value [ , decimals = 0 [ , format = "fixed" ] ] ) ⇒ FixedNumber

Returns an instance of a FixedNumber for value with decimals as a format.



The FixedFormat of fixednumber.


Math Operations

fixednumber.addUnsafe( otherValue ) ⇒ FixedNumber

Returns a new FixedNumber with the value of fixedvalue + otherValue.

fixednumber.subUnsafe( otherValue ) ⇒ FixedNumber

Returns a new FixedNumber with the value of fixedvalue - otherValue.

fixednumber.mulUnsafe( otherValue ) ⇒ FixedNumber

Returns a new FixedNumber with the value of fixedvalue × otherValue.

fixednumber.divUnsafe( otherValue ) ⇒ FixedNumber

Returns a new FixedNumber with the value of fixedvalue ÷ otherValue.

fixednumber.round( [ decimals = 0 ] ) ⇒ FixedNumber

Returns a new FixedNumber with the value of fixedvalue rounded to decimals.

Comparison and Equivalence

FixedNumber.isZero() ⇒ boolean

Returns true if and only if the value of FixedNumber is zero.


fixednumber.toFormat( format ) ⇒ FixedNumber

Returns a new FixedNumber with the value of fixedvalue with format.

fixednumber.toHexString() ⇒ string

Returns a HexString representation of fixednumber.

fixednumber.toString() ⇒ string

Returns a string representation of fixednumber.

fixednumber.toUnsafeFloat() ⇒ float

Returns a floating-point JavaScript number value of fixednumber. Due to rounding in JavaScript numbers, the value is only approximate.


FixedNumber.isFixedNumber( value ) ⇒ boolean

Returns true if and only if value is a FixedNumber.


A FixedFormat is a simple object which represents a decimal (base-10) Fixed-Point data representation. Usually using this class directly is unnecessary, as passing in a Format Strings directly into the FixedNumber will automatically create this.

Format Strings

A format string is composed of three components, including signed-ness, bit-width and number of decimals.

A signed format string begins with fixed, which an unsigned format string begins with ufixed, followed by the width (in bits) and the number of decimals.

The width must be congruent to 0 mod 8 (i.e. (width % 8) == 0) and no larger than 256 bits and the number of decimals must be no larger than 80.

For example:

  • fixed128x18 is signed, 128 bits wide and has 18 decimals; this is useful for most purposes

  • fixed32x0 is signed, 32 bits wide and has 0 decimals; this would be the same as a int32_t in C

  • ufixed32x0 is unsigned, 32 bits wide and has 0 decimals; this would be the same as a uint32_t in C

  • fixed is shorthand for fixed128x18

  • ufixed is shorthand for ufixed128x18

Creating Instances

FixedFormat.from( value = "fixed128x18" ) ⇒ FixedFormat

Returns a new instance of a FixedFormat defined by value. Any valid Format Strings may be passed in as well as any object which has any of signed, width and decimals defined, including a FixedFormat object.


fixedFormat.signed ⇒ boolean

The signed-ness of fixedFormat, true if negative values are supported.

fixedFormat.width ⇒ number

The width (in bits) of fixedFormat.

fixedFormat.decimals ⇒ number

The number of decimal points of fixedFormat. ⇒ string

The name of the fixedFormat, which can be used to recreate the format and is the string that the Solidity language uses to represent this format.


A shorthand for fixed128x80.

Last updated