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An unsigned transaction represents a transaction that has not been signed and its values are flexible as long as they are not ambiguous. ⇒ string<
The address this transaction is to. Can be either an address or an alias.
unsignedTransaction.from ⇒ string<
The address initiating the transaction.
unsignedTransaction.gasLimit ⇒
The gas limit for this transaction. Read more about . ⇒
The data for this transaction.
unsignedTransaction.value ⇒
The value (in tinybar) for this transaction
unsignedTransaction.chainId ⇒ number
The chain ID for this transaction.
unsignedTransaction.type ⇒ number
The type of this transaction. The type is always 0
for now.
The AccessList of this transaction. Currently accessLists
are not supported in Hedera.
The ID of the target node.
unsignedTransaction.customData ⇒ Record<string, any>
Can contain any kind of data for custom logic.
A generic object to represent a transaction.
transaction.transactionId => string
The transaction hash, which can be used as an identifier for transaction. This is the keccak256 of the serialized RLP encoded representation of transaction.
The address transaction is to.
The address transaction is from.
transaction.nonce ⇒ number
The nonce for transaction. Each transaction sent to the network from an account includes this, which ensures the order and non-replayability of a transaction. This must be equal to the current number of transactions ever sent to the network by the from address.
The data for transaction. In a contract this is the call data.
The value (in tinybars) for transaction.
transaction.chainId ⇒ number
The chain ID for transaction.
hethers.utils.accessListify( anAcceslistish ) ⇒ AccessList
Normalizes the AccessListish anAccessListish into an AccessList.
This is useful for other utility functions which wish to remain flexible as to the input parameter for access lists, such as when creating a Signer which needs to manipulate a possibly typed transaction envelope.
Parses the transaction properties from a serialized transaction.
The of the transaction. Can be in one of the following formats:
The gas limit for transaction. Read more about .