iREC API Demo Guide
Standard Registry
Create Root Account
Creating Standard Registry
To create a Root Account
Request Body
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"password": "9f86d081884c7d659a2feaa0c55ad015a3bf4f1b2b0b822cd15d6c15b0f00a08",
"did": null,
"parent": null,
"id": "627d4b99ab3cae7c07025893"
Login as Standard Registry
Login to the Root Account
Login as Standard Registry
Request Body
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"did": null,
"accessToken": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJ1c2VybmFtZSI6IjF0Y2t0bzgwIiwiZGlkIjpudWxsLCJyb2xlIjoiUk9PVF9BVVRIT1JJVFkiLCJpYXQiOjE2NTIzNzk5MDR9.xo6WrNhW5uPfpxBICgTHqyip7TFk2GnrUHtMTJ-TKgU"
Generating Root Key
To Generate Root Key
Generating Root Key
"id": "0.0.34751301",
"key": "302e020100300...."
Update Root Profile
Updating Profile of Standard Registry
Request Body
Get Root Profile
Getting Standard Registry Profile Details
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Create User Account
Creating User Account
Request Body
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Login to User Account
Login as User
Request Body
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"role": "USER",
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Generate User Key
Generating User Key
"id": "0.0.34751370",
"key": "302e0201003005...."
Update User Profile
Updating User Profiles
Request Body
Get User Profile
Getting User Profile Details
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New Policy
Import Policy
Importing Policy
Request Body
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Create Registrant
Creating Registrant
Request Body
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// Response
Get Approved Registrant
Displaying Approved Registrant uuid
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Get Grid Documents
Displaying Grid Documents
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Approve Registrant
Approving Registrant
Request Body
// Response
Getting uuid of device created
Getting uuid of created device
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Getting Device Schema
Device Schema Details
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"description": "Country",
"readOnly": false,
"$comment": "{\"term\": \"field5\", \"@id\": \"\"}",
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"title": "Contact person",
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"readOnly": false,
"$comment": "{\"term\": \"field6\", \"@id\": \"\"}",
"type": "string"
"field7": {
"title": "e-mail",
"description": "e-mail",
"readOnly": false,
"$comment": "{\"term\": \"field7\", \"@id\": \"\"}",
"type": "string",
"format": "email"
"field8": {
"title": "Telephone",
"description": "Telephone",
"readOnly": false,
"$comment": "{\"term\": \"field8\", \"@id\": \"\"}",
"type": "string"
"field9": {
"title": "Fax",
"description": "Fax",
"readOnly": false,
"$comment": "{\"term\": \"field9\", \"@id\": \"\"}",
"type": "string"
"field10": {
"title": "Existing I-REC Registry organization(s) to become subsidiary",
"description": "Existing I-REC Registry organization(s) to become subsidiary",
"readOnly": false,
"$comment": "{\"term\": \"field10\", \"@id\": \"\"}",
"type": "string"
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"$comment": "{\"term\": \"11496321-dbb9-423c-ba00-883983e0859f\", \"@id\": \"\"}",
"title": "Production Device",
"description": "Production Device",
"type": "object",
"properties": {
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"readOnly": true
"field0": {
"title": "Device Name",
"description": "Device Name",
"readOnly": false,
"$comment": "{\"term\": \"field0\", \"@id\": \"\"}",
"type": "string"
"field1": {
"title": "Address",
"description": "Address",
"readOnly": false,
"$comment": "{\"term\": \"field1\", \"@id\": \"\"}",
"type": "string"
"field2": {
"title": "Postal code",
"description": "Postal code",
"readOnly": false,
"$comment": "{\"term\": \"field2\", \"@id\": \"\"}",
"type": "string"
"field3": {
"title": "Country",
"description": "Country",
"readOnly": false,
"$comment": "{\"term\": \"field3\", \"@id\": \"\"}",
"type": "string"
"field4": {
"title": "Longitude",
"description": "Longitude",
"readOnly": false,
"$comment": "{\"term\": \"field4\", \"@id\": \"\"}",
"type": "string"
"field5": {
"title": "Latitude",
"description": "Latitude",
"readOnly": false,
"$comment": "{\"term\": \"field5\", \"@id\": \"\"}",
"type": "string"
"field6": {
"title": "TSOβs ID for measurement point",
"description": "TSOβs ID for measurement point",
"readOnly": false,
"$comment": "{\"term\": \"field6\", \"@id\": \"\"}",
"type": "string"
"field7": {
"title": "Installed capacity (kW)",
"description": "Installed capacity (kW)",
"readOnly": false,
"$comment": "{\"term\": \"field7\", \"@id\": \"\"}",
"type": "number"
"field8": {
"title": "Number of generating units",
"description": "Number of generating units",
"readOnly": false,
"$comment": "{\"term\": \"field8\", \"@id\": \"\"}",
"type": "integer"
"field9": {
"title": "Date of commissioning",
"description": "Date of commissioning",
"readOnly": false,
"$comment": "{\"term\": \"field9\", \"@id\": \"\"}",
"type": "string",
"format": "date"
"field10": {
"title": "Owner of the network to which the Production Device is connected and the voltage of that connection",
"description": "Owner of the network to which the Production Device is connected and the voltage of that connection",
"readOnly": false,
"$comment": "{\"term\": \"field10\", \"@id\": \"\"}",
"type": "string"
"field11": {
"title": "If the Production Device is not connected directly to the grid, specify the circumstances, and additional relevant meter registration numbers",
"description": "If the Production Device is not connected directly to the grid, specify the circumstances, and additional relevant meter registration numbers",
"readOnly": false,
"$comment": "{\"term\": \"field11\", \"@id\": \"\"}",
"type": "string"
"field12": {
"title": "Expected form of volume evidence",
"description": "Expected form of volume evidence",
"readOnly": false,
"$comment": "{\"term\": \"field12\", \"@id\": \"\"}",
"type": "string"
"field13": {
"title": "If other please specify",
"description": "If other please specify",
"readOnly": false,
"$comment": "{\"term\": \"field13\", \"@id\": \"\"}",
"type": "string"
"required": [
"additionalProperties": false
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"$comment": "{\"term\": \"c20662fc-7d19-4f9f-b190-d7b219dda16f\", \"@id\": \"\"}",
"title": "Energy Sources",
"description": "Energy Sources",
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"@context": {
"oneOf": [
"type": "string"
"type": "array",
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"type": "string",
"readOnly": true
"field0": {
"title": "Energy Source (Input) β see Appendix 2",
"description": "Energy Source (Input) β see Appendix 2",
"readOnly": false,
"$comment": "{\"term\": \"field0\", \"@id\": \"\"}",
"type": "string"
"field1": {
"title": "Technology β see Appendix 2",
"description": "Technology β see Appendix 2",
"readOnly": false,
"$comment": "{\"term\": \"field1\", \"@id\": \"\"}",
"type": "string"
"field2": {
"title": "On-site consumer present?",
"description": "On-site consumer present?",
"readOnly": false,
"$comment": "{\"term\": \"field2\", \"@id\": \"\"}",
"type": "boolean"
"field3": {
"title": "If yes give details",
"description": "If yes give details",
"readOnly": false,
"$comment": "{\"term\": \"field3\", \"@id\": \"\"}",
"type": "string"
"field4": {
"title": "Auxiliary/standby energy sources present?",
"description": "Auxiliary/standby energy sources present?",
"readOnly": false,
"$comment": "{\"term\": \"field4\", \"@id\": \"\"}",
"type": "boolean"
"field5": {
"title": "If yes give details",
"description": "If yes give details",
"readOnly": false,
"$comment": "{\"term\": \"field5\", \"@id\": \"\"}",
"type": "string"
"field6": {
"title": "Please give details of how the site can import electricity by means other than through the meter(s) specified above",
"description": "Please give details of how the site can import electricity by means other than through the meter(s) specified above",
"readOnly": false,
"$comment": "{\"term\": \"field6\", \"@id\": \"\"}",
"type": "string"
"field7": {
"title": "Please give details (including registration id) of any carbon offset or energy tracking scheme for which the Production Device is registered. State βNoneβ if that is the case",
"description": "Please give details (including registration id) of any carbon offset or energy tracking scheme for which the Production Device is registered. State βNoneβ if that is the case",
"readOnly": false,
"$comment": "{\"term\": \"field7\", \"@id\": \"\"}",
"type": "string"
"field8": {
"title": "Please identify any labeling schemes for which the Device is accredited",
"description": "Please identify any labeling schemes for which the Device is accredited",
"readOnly": false,
"$comment": "{\"term\": \"field8\", \"@id\": \"\"}",
"type": "string"
"field9": {
"title": "Has the Device ever received public (government) funding (e.g. Feed in Tariff)?",
"description": "Has the Device ever received public (government) funding (e.g. Feed in Tariff)?",
"readOnly": false,
"$comment": "{\"term\": \"field9\", \"@id\": \"\"}",
"type": "boolean"
"field10": {
"title": "If public (government) funding has been received when did/will it finish?",
"description": "If public (government) funding has been received when did/will it finish?",
"readOnly": false,
"$comment": "{\"term\": \"field10\", \"@id\": \"\"}",
"type": "string"
"field11": {
"title": "Requested effective date of registration (no earlier than 12 months prior to submitting this form)",
"description": "Requested effective date of registration (no earlier than 12 months prior to submitting this form)",
"readOnly": false,
"$comment": "{\"term\": \"field11\", \"@id\": \"\"}",
"type": "string",
"format": "date"
"field12": {
"title": "Preferred I-REC Device Verifier",
"description": "Preferred I-REC Device Verifier",
"readOnly": false,
"$comment": "{\"term\": \"field12\", \"@id\": \"\"}",
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"description": "Please give details (including registration id) of any carbon offset or energy tracking scheme for which the Production Device is registered. State βNoneβ if that is the case",
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"description": "Please identify any labeling schemes for which the Device is accredited",
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"title": "Is the Registrant also the owner of the Device? (provide evidence) ",
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"field17": "Please list the main (>10%) shareholders",
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Create Device
Creating Device
Request Body
// Response
Getting Approve Device Button UUID
Getting UUID of Approved Device Button
"id": "329a1412-4206-4b99-840c-fdb82dfb4cd8"
Getting Approve Device Grid UUID
Getting UUID of Approve Device Grid
"id": "9fb94eaa-ecc9-441b-9fb0-5f163989aa35"
Get Grid Documents
Getting Grid Documents
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"field9": "2022-05-11",
"field10": "Owner of the network to which the Production Device is connected and the voltage of that connection",
"field11": "If the Production Device is not connected directly to the grid, specify the circumstances, and additional relevant meter registration numbers",
"field12": "Expected form of volume evidence",
"field13": "If other please specify"
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"type": "c20662fc-7d19-4f9f-b190-d7b219dda16f",
"@context": [
"field0": "Energy Source (Input) β see Appendix 2",
"field1": "Technology β see Appendix 2",
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"field3": "If yes give details",
"field4": true,
"field5": "If yes give details",
"field6": "Please give details of how the site can import electricity by means other than through the meter(s) specified above",
"field7": "Please give details (including registration id) of any carbon offset or energy tracking scheme for which the Production Device is registered. State βNoneβ if that is the case",
"field8": "Please identify any labeling schemes for which the Device is accredited",
"field9": true,
"field10": "If public (government) funding has been received when did/will it finish?",
"field11": "2022-05-11",
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Approve Device
Approving Device
Request Body
// Response
Getting UUID of Create Issue Request
Getting Create Issue Request UUID
"id": "d3f0c4dd-26fa-47e0-8b30-d16713591926"
Getting Grid UUID
Getting Grid UUID
"id": "9fb94eaa-ecc9-441b-9fb0-5f163989aa35"
Getting Grid Documents
Displaying Grid Documents
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"field10": "Owner of the network to which the Production Device is connected and the voltage of that connection",
"field11": "If the Production Device is not connected directly to the grid, specify the circumstances, and additional relevant meter registration numbers",
"field12": "Expected form of volume evidence",
"field13": "If other please specify"
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"type": "c20662fc-7d19-4f9f-b190-d7b219dda16f",
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"field7": "Please give details (including registration id) of any carbon offset or energy tracking scheme for which the Production Device is registered. State βNoneβ if that is the case",
"field8": "Please identify any labeling schemes for which the Device is accredited",
"field9": true,
"field10": "If public (government) funding has been received when did/will it finish?",
"field11": "2022-05-11",
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Getting Issue Schema
Getting Schema of Issue Request
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Create Issue Request
Creating Issue Request
Request Body
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Getting Approve Request Button UUID
Getting Approve Request Button UUID
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Getting Issue Request Grid UUID
Getting Issue Request Grid UUID
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Getting Approve Issue Grid Documents
Getting Grid Documents of Approve Issue
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Approve Issue Request
Approving Issue Request
Request Body
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Getting Grid UUID
Getting Grid UUID
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Getting Grid Documents
Getting Grid Documents
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Getting TrustChain Block UUID
Getting TrustChain Block UUID
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Setting Hash Filter
Setting Hash Filter
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Getting TrustChain Block Data
Getting TrustChain Block Data
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"title": "If the Production Device is not connected directly to the grid, specify the circumstances, and additional relevant meter registration numbers",
"description": "If the Production Device is not connected directly to the grid, specify the circumstances, and additional relevant meter registration numbers",
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"description": "Energy Source (Input) β see Appendix 2",
"readOnly": false,
"$comment": "{\"term\": \"field0\", \"@id\": \"\"}",
"type": "string"
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"title": "Technology β see Appendix 2",
"description": "Technology β see Appendix 2",
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"description": "On-site consumer present?",
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"$comment": "{\"term\": \"field2\", \"@id\": \"\"}",
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"title": "If yes give details",
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"title": "Auxiliary/standby energy sources present?",
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"description": "If yes give details",
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"title": "Please give details of how the site can import electricity by means other than through the meter(s) specified above",
"description": "Please give details of how the site can import electricity by means other than through the meter(s) specified above",
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"title": "Please give details (including registration id) of any carbon offset or energy tracking scheme for which the Production Device is registered. State βNoneβ if that is the case",
"description": "Please give details (including registration id) of any carbon offset or energy tracking scheme for which the Production Device is registered. State βNoneβ if that is the case",
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"$comment": "{\"term\": \"field7\", \"@id\": \"\"}",
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"title": "Please identify any labeling schemes for which the Device is accredited",
"description": "Please identify any labeling schemes for which the Device is accredited",
"readOnly": false,
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"type": "string"
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"$comment": "{\"term\": \"field9\", \"@id\": \"\"}",
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"title": "If the Production Device is not connected directly to the grid, specify the circumstances, and additional relevant meter registration numbers",
"description": "If the Production Device is not connected directly to the grid, specify the circumstances, and additional relevant meter registration numbers",
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"title": "Energy Source (Input) β see Appendix 2",
"description": "Energy Source (Input) β see Appendix 2",
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"$comment": "{\"term\": \"field0\", \"@id\": \"\"}",
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"title": "Technology β see Appendix 2",
"description": "Technology β see Appendix 2",
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"description": "On-site consumer present?",
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"title": "If yes give details",
"description": "If yes give details",
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"title": "Auxiliary/standby energy sources present?",
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"description": "Please give details of how the site can import electricity by means other than through the meter(s) specified above",
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"title": "Please give details (including registration id) of any carbon offset or energy tracking scheme for which the Production Device is registered. State βNoneβ if that is the case",
"description": "Please give details (including registration id) of any carbon offset or energy tracking scheme for which the Production Device is registered. State βNoneβ if that is the case",
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"$comment": "{\"term\": \"field7\", \"@id\": \"\"}",
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"title": "Please identify any labeling schemes for which the Device is accredited",
"description": "Please identify any labeling schemes for which the Device is accredited",
"readOnly": false,
"$comment": "{\"term\": \"field8\", \"@id\": \"\"}",
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"$comment": "{\"term\": \"field9\", \"@id\": \"\"}",
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"type": "number"
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"format": "date"
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"field9": "2022-05-11",
"field10": "Owner of the network to which the Production Device is connected and the voltage of that connection",
"field11": "If the Production Device is not connected directly to the grid, specify the circumstances, and additional relevant meter registration numbers",
"field12": "Expected form of volume evidence",
"field13": "If other please specify"
"field5": {
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"field1": "Technology β see Appendix 2",
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"field3": "If yes give details",
"field4": true,
"field5": "If yes give details",
"field6": "Please give details of how the site can import electricity by means other than through the meter(s) specified above",
"field7": "Please give details (including registration id) of any carbon offset or energy tracking scheme for which the Production Device is registered. State βNoneβ if that is the case",
"field8": "Please identify any labeling schemes for which the Device is accredited",
"field9": true,
"field10": "If public (government) funding has been received when did/will it finish?",
"field11": "2022-05-11",
"field12": "Preferred I-REC Device Verifier"
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"field1": "2022-05-11",
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"type": "45abb4cb-7503-4ac4-9d31-44c468d64741",
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"field7": 1,
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"field9": "2022-05-11",
"field10": "Owner of the network to which the Production Device is connected and the voltage of that connection",
"field11": "If the Production Device is not connected directly to the grid, specify the circumstances, and additional relevant meter registration numbers",
"field12": "Expected form of volume evidence",
"field13": "If other please specify"
"field5": {
"type": "a68191f7-7b10-486e-b3f2-19ab2aa41742",
"@context": [
"field0": "Energy Source (Input) β see Appendix 2",
"field1": "Technology β see Appendix 2",
"field2": true,
"field3": "If yes give details",
"field4": true,
"field5": "If yes give details",
"field6": "Please give details of how the site can import electricity by means other than through the meter(s) specified above",
"field7": "Please give details (including registration id) of any carbon offset or energy tracking scheme for which the Production Device is registered. State βNoneβ if that is the case",
"field8": "Please identify any labeling schemes for which the Device is accredited",
"field9": true,
"field10": "If public (government) funding has been received when did/will it finish?",
"field11": "2022-05-11",
"field12": "Preferred I-REC Device Verifier"
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Last updated