Request Vc Document Block Addon (requestVcDocumentBlockAddon)

The purpose of this block is to display an interactive button in the interfaceDocumentsSourceBlock.


As shown in the example below, requestVcDocumentBlockAddon blocks should be placed inside interfaceDocumentsSourceBlock blocks.


Property NameDescriptionExampleStatus

Button Name (buttonName)

The label (name) of the button as displayed to the user.

Add report

UI Class (uiClass)

The UI class of the button.

"btn-approveโ€, โ€œbtn-rejectโ€, โ€œbtn-link

Dialog Title (dialogTitle)

The title of the dialog.

Add report

Schema (schema)

Schema which will be used for document creation.


Id Type (idTypev)

Type of identifier in document which will be created.

โ€œUUIDโ€, โ€œDIDโ€, โ€œOWNERโ€

Preset (preset)

Will selected document be used as preset.

true, false

Preset Schema (presetSchema)

Schema which will be used as a preset schema.


Preset Fields (presetFields)

Preset fields configuration.



"name": "field0",

"title": "Project Details",

"value": "field0",

"readonly": false




Request VC document block addon events will be automatically added to document source.


The API for the dropdownBlockAddon has both GET and POST methods:

1. Example response to the GET request:

  "id": "20639b5d-c43d-4aa0-a1d1-d0ac36e867de",
  "blockType": "requestVcDocumentBlockAddon",
  "buttonName": "Add Report",
  "uiClass": "link",
  "dialogTitle": "Add Report",
  "presetFields": [
      "name": "field0",
      "title": "Project Details",
      "value": "field0",
      "readonly": false
  "schema": {
  "idType": "UUID",
  "preset": true,
  "presetSchema": "#de62118a-d746-4c9f-ba1a-2278b13a2137",

A response to the GET request includes all block settings and:

โ— schema - Schema document

  1. Example payload for the POST request:

 	  "document": {
    "field0": "Device",
    "field1": "Organization",
  "ref": "66ba0cad0edaef237a78b44b"

โ— document - Credential subject

โ— ref - Reference document identifier

Last updated