
This block allows to configure the link to Hedera topics established by other policy instances for monitoring of โ€˜document publishedโ€™ messages and ingestion of the targeted VC documents.

1.1 Properties

Property Name


Unique name for the logic block.



Which entity has rights to interact at this part of the workflow.

Standard Registry

Default Active

Shows whether this block is active at this time and whether it needs to be shown.

Checked or Unchecked

Stop Propagation

End processing here, don't pass control to the next block.

Checked or Unchecked

On Errors

Called if the system error has occurs in the Block

- No action - Retry


a schema containing the minimal structure/content requirements for the VC documents to comply with in order to be ingested from the topic. A compliant document can be a super set of the minimal schema, i.e. it can contain other properties/data so long as it also has what is specified in this schema.


1.2 Data Format

1.2.1 GET

    documentTopicId โ€“ topic which contains links to documents to be ingested (optional/required depending on the stage in the workflow)
    policyTopicId โ€“ topic which contains policy messages (optional/required depending on the stage in the workflow)
    instanceTopicId โ€“ topic which contains policy instance specific messages (optional/required depending on the stage in the workflow)
    documentMessage โ€“ message with the information about the document topic(documentTopicId)
    policyMessage โ€“ message with the information about the policy topic(policyTopicId)
    policyInstanceMessage โ€“ message with the information about the policy instance topic(instanceTopicId)
    schemas โ€“ schemas accessible in the select policy (if specified)
    schema โ€“ schema which was selected by the user
    lastUpdate โ€“ time stamp of the last synchronisation
    status โ€“ link status

1.2.2 POST

  • Topic selection โ€“ allow the user to specify the topic which contains messages about the documents to be ingested.

    "operation": "SetTopic",
    "value": "topicId"
  • Schema selection โ€“ allows the user to specify the schema for selecting (filtering) the documents to be ingested.

    "operation": "SetSchema",
    "value": "schemaId"
  • Schema verification โ€“ verifies if the selected schema is compliant with the settings of the block

    "operation": "VerificationSchema",
    "value": "schemaId"
  • Manual loading of the documents โ€“ triggers immediate (out of schedule) synchronization of the documents (the automatic synchronization will still takes place as per the schedule)

    "operation": "VerificationSchemas",
  • Reset of the link โ€“ allows to reset settings and specify afresh.

    "operation": "Restart",

Last updated