
This block allows to configure the link to Hedera topics established by other policy instances for monitoring of โ€˜document publishedโ€™ messages and ingestion of the targeted VC documents.

1.1 Properties

1.2 Data Format

1.2.1 GET

    documentTopicId โ€“ topic which contains links to documents to be ingested (optional/required depending on the stage in the workflow)
    policyTopicId โ€“ topic which contains policy messages (optional/required depending on the stage in the workflow)
    instanceTopicId โ€“ topic which contains policy instance specific messages (optional/required depending on the stage in the workflow)
    documentMessage โ€“ message with the information about the document topic(documentTopicId)
    policyMessage โ€“ message with the information about the policy topic(policyTopicId)
    policyInstanceMessage โ€“ message with the information about the policy instance topic(instanceTopicId)
    schemas โ€“ schemas accessible in the select policy (if specified)
    schema โ€“ schema which was selected by the user
    lastUpdate โ€“ time stamp of the last synchronisation
    status โ€“ link status

1.2.2 POST

  • Topic selection โ€“ allow the user to specify the topic which contains messages about the documents to be ingested.

    "operation": "SetTopic",
    "value": "topicId"
  • Schema selection โ€“ allows the user to specify the schema for selecting (filtering) the documents to be ingested.

    "operation": "SetSchema",
    "value": "schemaId"
  • Schema verification โ€“ verifies if the selected schema is compliant with the settings of the block

    "operation": "VerificationSchema",
    "value": "schemaId"
  • Manual loading of the documents โ€“ triggers immediate (out of schedule) synchronization of the documents (the automatic synchronization will still takes place as per the schedule)

    "operation": "VerificationSchemas",
  • Reset of the link โ€“ allows to reset settings and specify afresh.

    "operation": "Restart",

Last updated