Schema Differentiation using UI
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We can compare two schemas by following some steps as follows:
We click on Compare button present in Schemas tab as shown below:
UUID : configures whether differences in UUIDs and Header IDs are taken into consideration when comparing blocks
Don't compare
UUIDs and Header IDs are not involved in comparison of the blocks and their Properties.
Differences in UUIDs and Header IDs are taken into consideration when comparing blocks and their Properties. (For example, when two schemas are exactly the same in every property they will still be considered as different due to differences in the values of IDs which by definition are always different)
1. Main โ comparison of the main fields of schemas.
2. Schema Fields โ comparison results of the schema fields.
Display settings โ description and show/hide settings for each color/type of difference
fields are identical
Green - Amber
when fields are embedded schemas, and these schemas are identical. The fields themselves are not different because their UUIDs are different
fields are partially equal
fields are absent in the other Policy
Field comparison displays can be unfolded to display a detailed view of the block Properties.