Policy Workflow Wrap Up
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We can then look at the entire process.
We can also look at the code that has been created programmatically from the defined workflow by clicking on the โ<>โ button in the three-button chevron on the right-hand side.
The full coded version of the policy we just demoed is below (Reminder the coded version of this policy is for Guardian verison 1.0.2):
//Policy logic starts with block 1.
//blockType - the type of the block:
// "InterfaceContainerBlock" - a block which contains and organizes other blocks.
// First block should always be of the "InterfaceContainerBlock" type.
"blockType": "InterfaceContainerBlock",
//defaultActive shows whether this block is active at this time and whether it needs to be shown.
"defaultActive": true,
//permissions - users with these roles are allowed to interact with the block. Can contain the following values:
// "OWNER" = creator of the Policy.
// "NO_ROLE" = users without a role.
// "ANY_ROLE" = users with any role.
// "INSTALLER" = only users with a particular role (in this case - INSTALLER).
"permissions": [
// As per above, this block is accessible to all users (with any role).
//uiMetaData - additional options which don't affect the behavior of the block but are needed for rendering.
"uiMetaData": {
//type - block UI behavior, can contain the following values:
// "blank" - does not contain any frame, will render all child elements one after the other.
// "tabs" - a container which has a tab for each of the child element. It will render the first child element as type "blank".
"type": "blank"
//children - list of child blocks in a container block.
"children": [
//First policy step - select a role.
//"PolicyRolesBlock" - block which determines a role for the user.
"blockType": "PolicyRolesBlock",
//"tag" - a unique (for the Policy) textual tag for the block which can be used in other blocks for linking.
"tag": "choose_role",
//Non ContainerBlock do not contain child elements. They can exist but they are ignored for rendering.
"children": [],
"uiMetaData": {
//html component has title and descriptions, which can be specified in the corresponding elements.
"title": "registration",
"description": "choose a role"
"permissions": [
//Only users with no roles assigned can access the block.
//This block is active
"defaultActive": true,
//"roles" - available roles from which the user can choose.
"roles": [
//In this case the user can only be the INSTALLER.
// After the role is selected the corresponding branch in the policy will become accessible for the user.
//"InterfaceStepBlock" - similar to the InterfaceContainerBlock, with the difference that it can only render a single child element.
//Rendered component is determined by the current step.
//An event on a component automatically passes control to the next component.
"blockType": "InterfaceStepBlock",
"defaultActive": true,
"tag": "init_installer_steps",
"permissions": [
//This block is only accessible to users with the INSTALLER role.
"uiMetaData": {
//Currently there is only one type - "blank".
//Only 1 active block is rendered.
"type": "blank"
"children": [
//First step after the selection of the INSTALLER roles is to fill out the VC form.
//"requestVcDocumenBlock" - a type of the block which creates a form from the schema, and sends the document to the server.
"blockType": "requestVcDocumentBlock",
"tag": "add_new_installer_request",
"defaultActive": true,
"permissions": [
//"schema" - uuid of the schema, which will be used to build the form.
"schema": "1a5347ba-5e5f-49a7-8734-3dcc953a03ed",
//"idType" - when the documents is saved it would automatically get an ID.
// In this example the document ID would be the DID of the current user.
// Can be one of these values:
// "UUID" - new uuid.
// "DID" - new DID.
// "OWNER" - DID of the current user.
"idType": "OWNER",
"uiMetaData": {
//"type" - style of the render of the form, one of these values:
// "page" - the form is rendered as a page.
// "dialog" - displays a button, which opens a dialogue with the form when clicked.
"type": "page",
// The page contains title and description, as well as the form.
"title": "New Installer",
"description": "Description"
// Next step is to save it in the DB.
//"sendToGuardianBlock" - a type of the block which can save a new or updated document.
//This block does not contain defaultActive and does not render, only relevant on the server side.
"blockType": "sendToGuardianBlock",
"tag": "save_new_approve_document",
//"dataType" - where to save the document, possible values:
// "approve" - approve DB table.
// "vc-documents" - vc-documents DB table.
// "did-documents" - did-documents DB table.
// "hedera" - document would be sent to the corresponding Policy topic in Hedera.
// In this example VC would be stored in a approve table, waiting for approval.
"dataType": "approve",
//"entityType" - mark the document in the DB. Needed for filtering.
"entityType": "Installer",
//"stopPropagation" - end processing here, don't pass control to the next block.
"stopPropagation": false,
"uiMetaData": {}
// Notify the user after submitting the request for approval.
//"InformationBlock" - block type which can display a notification or a progress bar.
"blockType": "InformationBlock",
"tag": "wait_fo_approve",
"children": [],
"uiMetaData": {
//"type" - notification type, possible values:
// "text" - textual message.
// "loader" - progress bar.
"type": "text",
// Set title and description for the page, only if the "type" is "text".
"title": "Waiting for approval",
"description": "Waiting for approval"
"permissions": [