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---- January 2025----

Climate Action Reserve's U.S. Landfill Protocol

  1. Creating Schema design for this methodology.

  2. Development of the schema and policy.

  3. Testing the policy development through Guardian UI and configurator.

Referral Link: https://github.com/hashgraph/guardian/issues/3709

Documentation Link: https://docs.hedera.com/guardian-dev-1/guardian/demo-guide/carbon-emissions/climate-action-reserves-u.s.-landfill-protocol-version-6.0

Scope 3/PCF Referencing Demo (Methodology Breakdown)

Once the approach has been approved, we can update the GHGP policy and run the example data, publish the PCFs to the Hedera Network, and demonstrate how another guardian policy (of a supply chain partner) can reference a dynamic PCF to support scope 3 calculations. I believe Wes was interested in having this be a methodology breakdown.

Referral Link: https://github.com/hashgraph/guardian/issues/3723

API facilities to retrieve unique references (IDs) of results for API-triggered operations

  • Design a generic approach to the 'traceability' of API calls such that for each API call a chain of events and actions within Guardian policy and especially to outside systems can be established via the unique IDs culminating in:

  • Hedera transactions

  • Hedera topics messages

  • Hedera contract calls

  • Artifacts published on IPFS

  • Introduce a corresponding UI where users can visually observe the same information

  • Consider packaging this into Interactions Resilience Module (see related Hedera interactions resilience module #2905)

Referral Link: https://github.com/hashgraph/guardian/issues/3139

Documentation Link: https://docs.hedera.com/guardian-dev-1/guardian/standard-registry/show-list-of-hedera-transactions

Guardian analytics: labels and top down data way points

  • Introduce 2 new workflows into Guardian, which include the corresponding roles and access permissions:

    • labels author, for users to be able to create the 'rulesets' for evaluating data for their compliance with the chosen 'label',

    • auditor workflow, for users which would use these 'rulesets' to apply to data.

  • Introduce the concept of labels, which can be specified to combine multiple statistics (introduced in Guardian analytics: bottom-up data traceability #3336) to create 'higher-order' statistics which themselves can be combined further essentially enabling the creation of 'data transformation' trees which, when applied to data, would ultimately get resolved into binary compliant/non-compliant answers. The top-level 'nodes' in these trees are 'Labels'.

  • Enhance the current capability of qualitative evaluations in Statistics to support the ability for users to attach external evidence and add textual comments/explanations whenever a human input is enabled. The evidence would then become part of the 'evaluation trust-chain', i.e. it should be hashed and stored verifiably. Evidence in the image formats should be viewable in the browser, archives (zip files), pdfs, csv files should be supported for attachment and then download.

  • Enable Auditors to apply 'label rulesets' to tokens, Guardian would then automatically traverse the token trust-chain to find and evaluate the required data to produce the label conclusion, i.e. the compliant/non-compliant results. These results can optionally be published to IPFS/topics by Auditors that generated them.

  • Enable ordinary users to search for statistics, label ruleset, and label conclusions that have been published.

Referral Link: https://github.com/hashgraph/guardian/issues/4322

Documentation Link: https://docs.hedera.com/guardian-dev-1/guardian/standard-registry/policies/policy-labels

Trustchain support for contract-based issuance and retirement implementation

Extend/modify trustchain implementation to support new contract-based issuance and retirement functionality such that users have visibility to the entire lifecycle of the token and have access to all significant artifacts produced as a result.

Referral Link: https://github.com/hashgraph/guardian/issues/2243

Documentation Link: https://docs.hedera.com/guardian-dev-1/guardian/tokens/retirement-contract/trustchain-representation-of-token-retirement

American Carbon Registry (ACR) ACR Methodology for Quantifying, Monitoring, Reporting, and Verifying Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reductions and Removals from Landfill Gas Destruction and Beneficial Use Projects

  1. Creating Schema design for this methodology.

  2. Development of the schema and policy.

  3. Testing the policy development through Guardian UI and configurator.

Referral Link: https://github.com/hashgraph/guardian/issues/3710

Documentation Link: https://docs.hedera.com/guardian-dev-1/guardian/demo-guide/carbon-emissions/landfill-gas-destruction-and-beneficial-use-projects-version-2.0

Reviewing and Verifying Atma policy

Some interesting next steps could be to address the final data gaps; engage with PACT to review the policy and schema, provide feedback, and identify new use cases and features; engage with a third-party auditor to review or potentially verify the policy; and eventually have actual downstream supply chain partners referencing the PCF.

Referral Link: https://github.com/hashgraph/guardian/issues/3729

Emissions Reduction/Removals (ERRs) Calculation Pre-Calculator in Guardian

Based on input data a estimated ERRs should be able to be queried in project development.

Referral Link: https://github.com/hashgraph/guardian/issues/3619

Formula Driven Definitions & Schema Tree Enhancement

A clear label (and an ability to define a formula) for a business user to build high level definitions and link them to underlying schemas, tools, and patterns closer aligned with VCM formulaic definitions

Referral Link: https://github.com/hashgraph/guardian/issues/3408

Dry-run policy execution 'savepoints' - restart policy dry-run from the list of 'saved' places

  • Introduce a new functionality for users to 'save' dry-run execution status at arbitrary points by clicking 'save state' button.

  • The system should support the creation of multiple save points for the same execution workflow

  • Next time the (draft) policy is executed in the dry-run mode users should be given a choice whether to restart from the beginning or continue execution from any of the 'save points'.

  • Starting execution from a 'save point' invalidates and removes all the other save points that logically followed it

  • It should be possible to delete some or all save points manually

Referral Link: https://github.com/hashgraph/guardian/issues/2838

Standardize UI on Angular Material, remove/replace PrimeNG

  • Standardize Guardian UI to be Material-based

  • Remove/Replace all PrimeNG with Material without changing the look feel

Referral Link: https://github.com/hashgraph/guardian/issues/3141

Enhancing Research on Indexer and Analytics Use Cases

Identify and map out potential uses cases for the indexer and what type of analytics if could be used for.

Referral Link: https://github.com/hashgraph/guardian/issues/3730

Development of AMS-I.C.: Thermal Energy Production with or Without Electricity

  1. Designing the Schema for the methodology

  2. Development of the policy

  3. Development of all the tools involved in this policy

    • Tool 03- Tool to calculate project or leakage CO2 emissions from fossil fuel combustion

    • Tool 05- Baseline, project and/or leakage emissions from electricity consumption and monitoring of electricity generation

    • Tool 06- Project emissions from flaring

    • Tool 07- Tool to calculate the emission factor for an electricity system

    • Tool 09- Determining the baseline efficiency of thermal or electric energy generation systems

    • Tool 12- Project and leakage emissions from transportation of freight

    • Tool 16- Project and leakage emissions from biomas

    • Tool 19- Demonstration of additionality of microscale project activities

    • Tool 21- Demonstration of additionality of small-scale project activitiesβ€―

    • Tool 22- Leakage in biomass small-scale project activities

Referral Link : https://github.com/hashgraph/guardian/issues/2873

Documentation Link : https://docs.hedera.com/guardian/guardian/demo-guide/carbon-offsets/cdm-ams-i.c.-thermal-energy-production-with-or-without-electricity