Dynamic Vault/KMS path configuration according to the environment
Guardian platform manage to segregate secret data basing on the variables defined in the ecosystem environment. As in the database case the two variables leveraged to discriminate secret storage are the GUARDIAN_ENV and HEDERA_NET variables.
Each KMS use slight different approach to naming convention of holded secret. The KMS has to be configured with this two dimension(GUARDIAN_ENV and HEDERA_NET) and insert them in the secret name, in the Roles name and in the Policies that define the access rules to that secret.
Guardian has adopted a specialized adapter to interact with secret managers. To implement the data separation each specialized adapter instance adds a two dimensional prefix GUARDIAN_ENV and HEDERA_NET to the PATH or NAME that identifies the secret, so that the adapter is aware of the MultiEnvironment.
The SECRET_MANAGER variable has to be configured in the system environment to grant the general secret manager class to work properly by the means of the right adapter in the way that is described at docs/secrets manager/guardian-vault.md
Set SECRET_MANAGER as empty when not using any Secret Manager
SECRET_MANAGER can assume the following values: ['hcp', 'aws', 'azure']
On the other hand the following variables has been maintained for compliance backward reason and possible developed guardian extensions, but are not used for the Guardian Secret Manager implementation.
In a special way, if you are not sure of the result, leave unchanged the value of this variables and in a special way leave the VAULT_PROVIDER variable set to "database" and use only the SECRET_MANAGER variable to configure the "hcp" option this will avoid mixing the usage of this two different set of variables with unpredictable result.
The script described in secret manager has been updated to provide the secrets for the different Ecosystem Environment and push them in the right file per each of the services while providing the configuration of ROLE and POLICIES calling the Vault API in the server depending to the environment.
Hashicorp Vault manage the TLS communication between each of the services as client and the Hashicorp Vault server as detailed in the docs/secrets manager/guardian-vault.md
The R/W secrets permission Keys are added to the right environment file depending on the GUARDIAN_ENV variable. For this reason the guardian /vault/hashicorp/.env.template file has been enriched with the two variables GUARDIAN_ENV and HEDERA_NET. Then, as it is described at docs/secrets manager/guardian-vault.md, before the execution of the script, cut and paste the /vault/hashicorp/.env.template to create a /vault/hashicorp/.env file and configure the variables in it as of your needs.
The following environment variables has been introduced in the ecosystem environment to grant the Hashicorp Vault to work properly.
About the steps provided at docs/secrets manager/guardian-vault.md
The execution of the steps described, allow the easy execution of every single services in the same node by his own by the means of PM2. In this case the only environment files used are the ones present in each of the guardian services at <service>/configs/.env.<GUARDIAN_ENV>.<service_name> (this execution need to mind the common environment variables configuring them manually for each of the service).
When executing by the means of an orchestrator (as docker compose) the environment files used are the Ecosystem environment starting by the ones at path guardian/configs/.env.<GUARDIAN_ENV>.guardian.system (containing the common variables) with the integration of single service level variables as usual.
In this case the steps described for hashicorp are changed as follows:
Steps from 1 to 4 will be executed as specified.
Step 5 is not needed any more: jump step 6.
Step 6 bring vault and consul up. Step 6 is broken down in the following two steps:
Only for first guardian installation: the guardian_default docker Network need to exist before Vault server Use it, in guardian folder execute:
$ docker network create guardian_default
If Guardian is already installed take care of stop the execution of all containers
A docker-compose.yaml file is placed in the guardian/vault/hashicorp folder to bootstrap the two server Vault and Consul directly, Change directory to guardian/vault/hasicorp and execute
$ docker compose up -d consul vault
The two containers are going to run referencing the guardian_default network as all other Guardian services.
Step 7 When the two services are running execute the script ./vault/hashicorp/scripts/vault/vault_init.sh from the guardian folder (or the vault_init_mac.init in apple platforms).
This script updates the two following variables with the secret token provided by the vault server to authenticate with the right role.
if not present the variables are inserted only in the 4 services: auth-service, guardian-service, policy-service, and worker-service. Their value are populated in the guardian/<service>/configs/.env.<GUARDIAN_ENV>.<SERVICE NAME> files by the script basing on the previously defined GUARDIAN_ENV variable.
Step 8 start Guardian as usual
For Hashicorpp Vault the secret multi-environment naming convention defined in the Vault by the execution of the script is going to be:
The script executed at stop 7 produce two kind of policies to manage the case when variable <GUARDIAN_ENV> is empty.
AWS Secret Manager
Change in the ecosystem environment the SECRET_MANAGER variable to SECRET_MANAGER="aws"
For AWS Secret Manager one variable has been added to the system environment templates files of Guardian.
The script provided by Guardian and described at docs/secrets manager/guardian-vault.md is able to configure the ROLE / POLICIES secret in a Multi-environment fashion inside the AWS Secret Manager. As in the presiding case, the script is based on the two new environment variables defined at ./vault/aws/.env.template GUARDIAN_ENV and HEDERA_NET The Policies that are defined in the scripts are compliant with the AWS security rules and the Action defined in the policies json files (folder:vault/aws/configs/policies) do not use wildcards but specified the following single actions: GetSecretValue, CreateSecret, ListSecrets.
In the case of AWS Secret Manager the secret multi-environment naming convention defined is
Change the SECRET_MANAGER variable to "azure" in the ecosystem environment. SECRET_MANAGER="azure"
For Azure Key Vault one variable has been added to the system environment templates files of Guardian.
The secret multi-environment naming convention defined is
Update the policy and secret following the steps described for azure.
Last updated