
This block provides a way to specify multiple signators for a single VC document, and then create a VP based on it.

1. Properties

Note: The system assigns โ€˜not signedโ€™ status to the document when 100 โ€“ threshold percentage of users indicated rejection status.

2. Events

3. Data Format

3.1 POST request

		"id":"โ€ฆ" โ€“ ID of the VC document
	"status":"SIGNED" โ€“ new status, can be SIGNED or DECLINED

3.2 GET request

	blockType: "multiSignBlock"
	status: {
		confirmationStatus: - final status, it is โ€˜nullโ€™ if the quorum is not reached
		data: [
						did โ€“ did and username of the user which took the decision
						status โ€“ the decision of the user, the value space is: SIGNED/DECLINED

Array of the decisions for each user can be as follows:

4. Example

4.1 Important Points

4.1.1 multiSignBlock must be used with Groups.

4.1.2 multiSignBlock must be child block of grid block to receive all data it requires to operate.

5. UI

5.1 Signing the document

We have an option of Signing/ Declining the document by clicking on "Sign" or "Decline" button for the document as shown below:

5.2 Threshold Display

Number of users, who have signed or declined the document can be displayed with threshold as shown below:

5.3 Detailed Signature Information

To get detailed information on Signature status, we have an info icon near the threshold as shown below:

5.4 Final Signature Result

To get the final Signature Result with detailed information such as which users have Signed / Declined, we need to hover on the Status as shown below:

API Parameters

GET /policies/{policyId}/blocks/{uuid}

Path Parameters

  "id": "1c922d1a-7f9d-492f-b0f9-f319eb2b66be",
  "blockType": "multiSignBlock"

POST /policies/{policyId}/blocks/{uuid}

Path Parameters

Request Body

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