πŸ’»Demo on Policy Wizard using UI

1. Step By Step Process

There are two ways to open Policy Wizard:

  1. Click on Policy Wizard button from Policies Tab as shown below:

  1. Open from the Policy Configurator page:

4 step process to complete Policy Wizard:

Policy Description:

This step allows users to setup policy information such as name, description, policy tag and topic description.

Policy Roles:

This step provides facilities to manage policy roles. Created Roles can be deleted by clicking on them.

Note: Owner is the default policy role (Policy Owner) and cannot be deleted.

3. Policy Schemas

This step allows facilities to manage schemas in the policy by selecting schemas in the dropdown.

3.1 {schema} configuration

At this stage users set roles which are able to view the document grid. Additionally they can set the produced schema to configure produced schema creation based on the current schema.

Relationship schema defines documents which will be placed in the relationships in the current schema (after creation).

Initial for roles field defines which roles will see this schema (instead of displaying grid immediately) after role choosing.

If Approve and Reject and Minting tokens are set to enable the corresponding functions by this schema would be enabled. This additionally required to specify the token and the field in schema to be used in the minting rule.

Note: We can select multiple schemas by entering the schemas names separated by a delimiter: ",".

3.1.1 {role} configuration

This step allows:

  1. To set approver (only if Approve and Reject functionality is enabled)

  2. creator flags for the selected role.

  3. Also allows to select grid columns (ordering is supported).

4. TrustChain

This step allows to set up users which are able to view grids with VPs and the grid with the trust chain.

4.1. {role} configuration

In this step, Users can choose a minting schema which will be displayed on the trust chain. Additionally, visibility for VPs can be configured to β€˜only own β€˜ (recommended for the roles other than OWNER) or to β€˜all’.

Save/Recovery Process

After the policy in the wizard is configured, users can click on β€˜Create’ and thereby save the progress of the wizard configuration to be able to restore it later.


  1. If β€˜Cancel' is clicked, then the wizard progress will be removed.

  2. Progress will be automatically removed when policy is published.

Next time, when the wizard is opened a dialog with the selector of wizard states would be displayed, where we can select respective policy and restore progress.

2. Demo Video


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