
To get more information on Roadmap, please click: https://app.zenhub.com/workspaces/guardian-618c27c08661c0001461263a/roadmap?invite=true

---- January 2024----

UI upgrade, AI search and project comparison

  1. Improving Guardian UI by adding more UI elements and also adding more colorful headers which can be customized.

  2. Creating a static landing page which will have capability of performing project comparison within same instance using different parameters such as scale size, sectoral scopes, etc.

  3. Implementing AI search for allowing Project developers to search policies as per the information entered.

  4. Implementing Guider Search for allowing project developers to search policies using different parameters within same instance.

  5. Implementation of property field when schema is created, which will be used for standardizing as per IWA specification.

Referral Link: https://github.com/hashgraph/guardian/issues/2850

Documentation Link :

Implement discontinuing policy workflow

Implement the policy deprecation workflow which includes:

  • Guardian UI allowing issuing SR to discontinue a policy (version) or the entire policy from a certain date (in the future or 'now').

  • Policy grid should display a suitable marker against non-active policies, and a different for the ones soon expiring.

  • An appropriate message posted in the corresponding Hedera topic recording the 'discontinuing' decision

  • For in-progress projects that have been registered and are operating under the policy it should be possible to 'switch' to the appropriate version of the policy which is still valid.

Referral Link : https://github.com/hashgraph/guardian/issues/2030

Documentation Link : https://docs.hedera.com/guardian/guardian/standard-registry/discontinuing-policy-workflow

Gold Standard’s Carbon Sequestration through Accelerated Carbonation of Concrete Aggregate Webinar

  • Design schemas for the Carbon Sequestration through Accelerated Carbonation of Concrete Aggregate methodology, create a PowerPoint presentation, and conduct webinar.

  • Development of the policy using the schemas and workflow designed

Referral Link : https://github.com/hashgraph/guardian/issues/2321

Documentation Link : https://docs.hedera.com/guardian/guardian/demo-guide/carbon-offsets/gold-standard-carbon-sequestration-through-accelerated-carbonation-of-concrete-aggregate

Business User Policy Development Feature - schemas MVP

  • Create a excel 'schema representation' standard suitable for non-technical users. Note: use existing excel schemas from Tools and UNFCCC initiatives as guidance.

  • Create an explicit template for the above, downloadable from Guardian UI, which users can take and update/change to develop new schemas.

  • Create an Export/Import UI and tooling which would allow seamless transformation of schemas written in Excel into valid Guardian JSON schemas and vice versa

  • Ensure manual interventions are possible for corrections/adjustments of complex formulas and other issues.

Referral Link : https://github.com/hashgraph/guardian/issues/1885

Documentation Link : https://docs.hedera.com/guardian/guardian/standard-registry/import-export-in-excel

Geographic raster imagery support in Guardian

Introduce support for geoTIFF and other raster types of data such that:

  • Guardian documents (i.e. in schemas) can reference raster data (in geoTIFF and other common formats) which are located on external (3rd party) systems.

  • Guardian UI can display raster images and their georeferencing data when they are encountered in documents.

  • Guardian policy can access and manipulate (use in calculations, etc) data from raster sources.

Referral Link : https://github.com/hashgraph/guardian/issues/1930

Documentation Link : https://docs.hedera.com/guardian/guardian/standard-registry/schemas/creating-system-schema-using-ui

Development of ACM0007: Conversion from Single Cycle to Combined Cycle Power Generation

Designing of the Schema and getting it approved. Development of the policy using Schema Development of all the tools involved in the policy:

  • Tool 02- Combined tool to identify the baseline scenario and demonstrate additionality

  • Tool 03- Tool to calculate project or leakage CO2 emissions from fossil fuel combustion

  • Tool 07- Tool to calculate the emission factor for an electricity system

  • Tool 10- Tool to determine the remaining lifetime of equipment

Referral Link : https://github.com/hashgraph/guardian/issues/2883

Documentation Link : https://docs.hedera.com/guardian/guardian/demo-guide/carbon-offsets/cdm-acm0007-conversion-from-single-cycle-to-combined-cycle-power-generation

---- February 2024----

Support externally controlled DIDs with keys in Guardian

Introduce a workflow into the Guardian where a DID Controller would introduce a dedicated verification method into the main DID for which the private key would be stored and managed by a Guardian instance. This way Guardian would only be able to control the specific verification method's key, but not the rest of the DID.

Referral Link : https://github.com/hashgraph/guardian/issues/2678

Documentation Link : https://docs.hedera.com/guardian/guardian/standard-registry/bring-your-own-dids

Development of AMS-I.D: Grid Connected Renewable Electricity Generation – v.18.0

Designing of the Schema and getting it approved. Development of the policy using Schema Development of all the tool involved in the policy

Referral Link : https://github.com/hashgraph/guardian/issues/2919

Documentation Link : https://docs.hedera.com/guardian/guardian/demo-guide/carbon-offsets/ams-i.d-grid-connected-renewable-electricity-generation-v.18.0

Mitigation Credits Research

Introduce the ability to mint Mitigation Asset Type tokens as the result of the calculation of the diff between planned (and reported on the Environmental) and actual results of the calculations based on the MRV data for a reporting period. This would likely require:

  • New type of blocks in the policy definition language specifying 'target' numbers.

  • Policy Engine ability to mint different types of tokens depending on the conditions

  • Needs to be linked with GHG scorecards Research #1017 logic

Referral Link : https://github.com/hashgraph/guardian/issues/54

Development of AMS-II.J.: Demand-Side Activities for Efficient Lighting Technologies

  1. Designing of the Schema and getting it approved. Development of the policy using Schema

  2. Development of all the tool involved in the policy:

    • Tool 07- Tool to calculate the emission factor for an electricity system

Referral Link : https://github.com/hashgraph/guardian/issues/2885

Documentation Link : https://docs.hedera.com/guardian/guardian/demo-guide/carbon-offsets/cdm-ams-ii.j.-demand-side-activities-for-efficient-lighting-technologies

Development of AMS-III.AV.: Low Greenhouse Gas Emitting Safe Drinking Water Production Systems

  1. Designing of the Schema and getting it approved.

  2. Development of the policy using Schema

  3. Development of all the tools involved in the policy:

    • Tool 01- Tool for the demonstration and assessment of additionality

    • Tool 03- Tool to calculate project or leakage CO2 emissions from fossil fuel combustion

    • Tool 05- Baseline, project and/or leakage emissions from electricity consumption and monitoring of electricity generation

    • Tool 19- Demonstration of additionality of microscale project activities

    • Tool 21- Demonstration of additionality of small-scale project activitiesβ€―

    • Tool 30- Calculation of the fraction of non-renewable biomass

Referral Link : https://github.com/hashgraph/guardian/issues/2880

Documentation Link : https://docs.hedera.com/guardian/guardian/demo-guide/carbon-offsets/cdm-ams-iii.av.-low-greenhouse-gas-emitting-safe-drinking-water-production-systems

---- March 2024----

Development of AMS-III.H.: Methane Recovery in Wastewater Treatment

  1. Designing of the Schema and getting it approved. Development of the policy using Schema

  2. Development of all the tools involved in the policy:

    • Tool 03- Tool to calculate project or leakage CO2 emissions from fossil fuel combustion

    • Tool 04- Emissions from solid waste disposal sites

    • Tool 05- Baseline, project and/or leakage emissions from electricity consumption and monitoring of electricity generation

    • Tool 06- Project emissions from flaring

    • Tool 32- Positive lists of technologies

Referral Link: https://github.com/hashgraph/guardian/issues/2881

Documentation Link : https://docs.hedera.com/guardian/guardian/demo-guide/carbon-offsets/cdm-ams-iii.h.-methane-recovery-in-wastewater-treatment

Development of AMS-III.F.: Avoidance of Methane Emissions Through Composting

  1. Designing of the Schema and getting it approved.

  2. Development of the policy using Schema

  3. Development of all the tools involved in the policy

    • Tool 03- Tool to calculate project or leakage CO2 emissions from fossil fuel combustion

    • Tool 04- Emissions from solid waste disposal sites

    • Tool 05- Baseline, project and/or leakage emissions from electricity consumption and monitoring of electricity generation

    • Tool 13- Project and leakage emissions from composting

Referral Link: https://github.com/hashgraph/guardian/issues/2876

Documentation Link : https://docs.hedera.com/guardian/guardian/demo-guide/carbon-offsets/cdm-ams-iii.f.-avoidance-of-methane-emissions-through-composting

Development of ACM0002: Grid-Connected Electricity Generation from Renewable Sources

Development of the policy with all details mentioned in the design schema. Tools involved in this policy also needs to be developed. The tools are listed below:

  1. Tool 01- Tool for the demonstration and assessment of additionality

  2. Tool 02- Combined tool to identify the baseline scenario and demonstrate additionality

  3. Tool 03- Tool to calculate project or leakage CO2 emissions from fossil fuel combustion

  4. Tool 05- Baseline, project and/or leakage emissions from electricity consumption and monitoring of electricity generation

  5. Tool 07- Tool to calculate the emission factor for an electricity system

  6. Tool 10- Tool to determine the remaining lifetime of equipment

  7. Tool 32- Positive lists of technologies

Referral Link: https://github.com/hashgraph/guardian/issues/2875

Documentation Link : https://docs.hedera.com/guardian/guardian/demo-guide/carbon-offsets/cdm-acm0002-grid-connected-electricity-generation-from-renewable-sources

Conforming to Hedera DID, VC, VP, Standards

Update to memo field VP/DID structure to normalize DID spec with the rest of Hedera DID method work (which will also be updated)

Referral Link : https://github.com/hashgraph/guardian/issues/2211

Development of PWRM0002 Plastic Waste Recycling Methodology, v1.1

Designing of the Schema and getting it approved.

Development of the policy using Schema

Development of all the tool involved in the policy

Referral Link : https://github.com/hashgraph/guardian/issues/2920

Documentation Link : https://docs.hedera.com/guardian/guardian/demo-guide/carbon-offsets/pwrm0002-plastic-waste-recycling

---- April 2024----

DLT to Address Flawed Methodologies Blog

Draft and published a blog post on the topic of DLT as a solution to address poor data quality and flawed emission and carbon credit methodologies.

Referral Link : https://github.com/hashgraph/guardian/issues/2906

Live project (data) migration across Policies, across Guardian instances

Implement User Interface (UI) and tooling allowing users to execute multiple cycles of 'export a live project' from a policy and 'import a live project' into another policy. This migration process should work irrespective of the policy versions, standard registries, and Guardian instances, automatically mapping data/documents to the corresponding policy steps in an intelligent way, referring to the Project Developer in situations needing human input via a convenient UI/UX ('User Experience'):

  • Project Developer can preview and assess the compatibility of policies and data, and the result of the migration using something analogous to the 'dry-run' mode.

  • For cases where the 'new' schemas and policy steps match perfectly the 'old' valid data/documents from the 'source', the 'old' ones should be automatically accepted into the 'target' policy flow with no human intervention.

  • Project Developer can review and select/guide the matching and the destination of the 'source' data/documents into the new policy flow with full visibility with regard to:

    • 'source' and 'target' policy structure (side by side), with details of block parameters etc where required.

    • content of the original and destination documents with field-level granularity

  • Where data needs to be augmented and thus new signatures are required the corresponding Guardian users (e.g. Standard Registry) get requests to sign the data.

The migration process should be automated, and should result in the 'stopped' project/policy execution on the 'source platform' and 'resumed' from the same point in the policy flow on the 'destination' (other) platform, with full data and tokens visibility and provenance provability in the trust chain. The 'old' data and artifacts produced on the 'source' should be fully useable on the 'target', e.g.

  • used in reports

  • viewable in the UI

  • data referencable and useable in calculations and other policy actions (such as minting)

  • operations on 'old' tokens are supported in the new policy smart contracts (retirement, exchanges, etc)

Referral Link: https://github.com/hashgraph/guardian/issues/3176

Documentation Link : https://docs.hedera.com/guardian/guardian/standard-registry/live-project-data-migration/live-project-data-migration-ui

FireBlocks Raw Signing Integration

We need to integrate FireBlocks , a Key management tool to manage the Keys and secure Guardian. To get complete info on Fireblocks, please look at https://www.fireblocks.com/

Referral Link : https://github.com/hashgraph/guardian/issues/1314

Documentation Link : https://docs.hedera.com/guardian/guardian/standard-registry/fireblocks-raw-signing/fireblocks-signing-in-guardian-ui

Development of ACM0001: Flaring or Use of Landfill Gas

  1. Designing of the Schema and getting it approved.

  2. Development of the policy using Schema

  3. Development of all the tools involved in the policy:

    • Tool 02- Combined tool to identify the baseline scenario and demonstrate additionality

    • Tool 03- Tool to calculate project or leakage CO2 emissions from fossil fuel combustion

    • Tool 04- Emissions from solid waste disposal sites

    • Tool 05- Baseline, project and/or leakage emissions from electricity consumption and monitoring of electricity generation

    • Tool 06- Project emissions from flaring

    • Tool 08- Tool to determine the mass flow of a greenhouse gas in a gaseous stream

    • Tool 09- Determining the baseline efficiency of thermal or electric energy generation systems

    • Tool 10- Tool to determine the remaining lifetime of equipment

    • Tool 12- Project and leakage emissions from transportation of freight

    • Tool 32- Positive lists of technologies

Referral Link: https://github.com/hashgraph/guardian/issues/2874

Documentation Link : https://docs.hedera.com/guardian/guardian/demo-guide/carbon-offsets/cdm-acm0001-flaring-or-use-of-landfill-gas

---- May 2024----

Development of Gold Standard's Methodology for Methane Emission Reduction by Adjusted Water Management Practice in Rice Cultivation

Designing of the Schema and getting it approved.

Development of the policy using Schema

Development of all the tool involved in the policy

Referral Link : https://github.com/hashgraph/guardian/issues/2921

Documentation Link: https://docs.hedera.com/guardian/guardian/demo-guide/carbon-offsets/methane-emission-reduction-by-adjusted-water-management-practice-in-rice-cultivation

Full project data comparison as produced/captured by policies

Introduce a comparison functionality where it'd be possible to 'diff' arbitrary sections or the entire trust-chains for different tokens, potentially issued by different policies such that the system would:

  • graphically display the differences where a user would then be able to 'scroll' through and review them in the UI

  • get a numerical 'similarity score' indicating how similar the two 'chains' are

Referral Link : https://github.com/hashgraph/guardian/issues/2704

Documentation Link: https://docs.hedera.com/guardian/guardian/standard-registry/project-comparison/project-comparison-using-ui

Global environmental/Guardian data search (indexer) component for Hedera and IPFS

  • Improve the data storage and indexing capabilities of Guardian for the data belonging to the local instance such that complex analytical queries could be run efficiently, such as 'search for data similar to this' and 'what is the possibility of this being a double entry for something submitted elsewhere'.

  • Introduce a global search and indexing capability for data produce by other (all) instances such that queries above could be run on the entire body of Guardian data produced from the beginning of time (in blockchain sense).

  • Extend Block and policy discoverability/search #2281 for users to be able to preview the usage of the block without having to import "other SR's" policy into their Guardian instance

Referral Link : https://github.com/hashgraph/guardian/issues/2629

Documentation Link: https://docs.hedera.com/guardian/guardian/global-indexer/indexer-user-guide

Revamp Guardian user/roles and permissions model

  • Fundamentally separate the concept of users, roles and permissions in Guardian

  • Introduce granular concept of permissions which could be assigned to users, a user could then perform a specific function within the role if its assigned role 'contains' this permission. These should include (but not limited to):

    • Policy edit/submit for review

    • Policy view

    • Policy approval & publish

  • Introduce a "user admin" role, which allows:

    • defining new roles from permissions

    • assigning of roles to users

  • Create a permissioning system which verifies actor role before any action has been taken throughout Guardian

  • Package in suitable most-common role set into Guardian so it can be operated immediately 'out of the box' without the need for additional configuration

  • Create a concept of 'delegation' where a user with a particular role/permission can explicitly 'delegate' this role/permission to another user

  • Introduce the functionality to produce a report (page, download) which lists all users and their roles/permissions mapping in the system

Referral Link : https://github.com/hashgraph/guardian/issues/2844

Documentation Link: https://docs.hedera.com/guardian/guardian/standard-registry/roles-and-permissions/roles-and-permissions-user-guide

---- June 2024----

Hedera interactions resilience module

Create a Guardian 'transaction execution' service which would assure orderly transaction execution and their status tracking, and provide intelligent retry and failure recovery functionality such that required transactions would be guaranteed to be asynchronously executed once, and only once, and in the right order.

Referral Link : https://github.com/hashgraph/guardian/issues/2905

Documentation Link : https://docs.hedera.com/guardian/guardian/standard-registry/asynchronous-tasks-status

Further evolution of policy comparison (a.k.a 'mass diff')

Relying on the work done in the course of #1793 (i.e. creating data structures (hashes) to enable more efficient comparison), allow for mass-comparison of policies such that a user should be able to search for local policies 'similar' to 'different' to some other policy based on some similarity threshold. This is related (but different) to #2281 as it focuses on 'easy diff' vs 'easy search'.

Referral Link : https://github.com/hashgraph/guardian/issues/2706

Documentation Link : https://docs.hedera.com/guardian/guardian/standard-registry/policies/policy-differentiation/global-search-and-comparison-ui

Correction of all the Methodologies with new DID Spec

  1. We need to implement and correct all the methodologies added with new DID specification.

  2. Deploy all the methodologies on testnet and create IPFS timestamps.

  3. Test the methodologies with dummy and real data.

Referral Link: https://github.com/hashgraph/guardian/issues/3296

Development of ACM0018: Electricity Generation from Biomass in Power-Only Plants

  1. Designing of the Schema and getting it approved.

  2. Development of the policy using Schema

  3. Development of all the tools involved in the policy

    • Tool 02- Combined tool to identify the baseline scenario and demonstrate additionality

    • Tool 03- Tool to calculate project or leakage CO2 emissions from fossil fuel combustion

    • Tool 04- Emissions from solid waste disposal sites

    • Tool 05- Baseline, project and/or leakage emissions from electricity consumption and monitoring of electricity generation

    • Tool 09- Determining the baseline efficiency of thermal or electric energy generation systems

    • Tool 10- Tool to determine the remaining lifetime of equipment

    • Tool 12- Project and leakage emissions from transportation of freight

    • Tool 16- Project and leakage emissions from biomass

Referral Link : https://github.com/hashgraph/guardian/issues/2879

Documentation Link : https://docs.hedera.com/guardian/guardian/demo-guide/carbon-offsets/cdm-acm0018-electricity-generation-from-biomass-in-power-only-plants

Development of AMS-I.F.: Renewable Electricity Generation for Captive Use and Mini-Grid

  1. Designing of the Schema and getting it approved.

  2. Development of the policy using Schema

  3. Development of all the tools involved in the policy:

    • Tool 01- Tool for the demonstration and assessment of additionality

    • Tool 03- Tool to calculate project or leakage CO2 emissions from fossil fuel combustion

    • Tool 04- Emissions from solid waste disposal sites

    • Tool 05- Baseline, project and/or leakage emissions from electricity consumption and monitoring of electricity generation

    • Tool 06- Project emissions from flaring

    • Tool 12- Project and leakage emissions from transportation of freight

    • Tool 13- Project and leakage emissions from composting

    • Tool 14- Project and leakage emissions from anaerobic digesters

    • Tool 16- Project and leakage emissions from biomass

    • Tool 33- Default values for common parameters

Referral Link: https://github.com/hashgraph/guardian/issues/2882

Documentation Link : https://docs.hedera.com/guardian/guardian/demo-guide/carbon-offsets/cdm-ams-i.f.-renewable-electricity-generation-for-captive-use-and-mini-grid

Development of AMS-I.A.

  1. Designing of the Schema and getting it approved.

  2. Development of the policy using Schema

  3. Development of all the tools involved in the policy:

    • Tool 05- Baseline, project and/or leakage emissions from electricity consumption and monitoring of electricity generation

    • Tool 16- Project and leakage emissions from biomass

    • Tool 21- Demonstration of additionality of small-scale project activitiesβ€―

    • Tool 33- Default values for common parameters

Referral Link: https://github.com/hashgraph/guardian/issues/2884

Documentation Link : https://docs.hedera.com/guardian/guardian/demo-guide/carbon-offsets/cdm-ams-i.a.-electricity-generation-by-the-user

---- July 2024----

Development of AMS-I.C.: Thermal Energy Production with or Without Electricity

  1. Designing the Schema for the methodology

  2. Development of the policy

  3. Development of all the tools involved in this policy

    • Tool 03- Tool to calculate project or leakage CO2 emissions from fossil fuel combustion

    • Tool 05- Baseline, project and/or leakage emissions from electricity consumption and monitoring of electricity generation

    • Tool 06- Project emissions from flaring

    • Tool 07- Tool to calculate the emission factor for an electricity system

    • Tool 09- Determining the baseline efficiency of thermal or electric energy generation systems

    • Tool 12- Project and leakage emissions from transportation of freight

    • Tool 16- Project and leakage emissions from biomas

    • Tool 19- Demonstration of additionality of microscale project activities

    • Tool 21- Demonstration of additionality of small-scale project activitiesβ€―

    • Tool 22- Leakage in biomass small-scale project activities

Referral Link : https://github.com/hashgraph/guardian/issues/2873

Documentation Link : https://docs.hedera.com/guardian/guardian/demo-guide/carbon-offsets/cdm-ams-i.c.-thermal-energy-production-with-or-without-electricity

Development of VMR0006: Energy Efficiency and Fuel Switch Measures in Thermal Applications, v1.2v

Designing of the Schema and getting it approved.

Development of the policy using Schema

Development of all the tool involved in the policy

Referral Link : https://github.com/hashgraph/guardian/issues/2922

Indexer API

Add suitable API facilities which would allow programmatic access to the indexed data and analytics, which include policy structure data (such as formulas used in the various elements - e.g. Tools) as well as project data.

Referral Link: https://github.com/hashgraph/guardian/issues/3637

Filtering data for blocks is stateful API, introduce stateless data filters for API usage

I don't necessarily think there is a hard requirement to remove the stateful nature of guardian filtering, as we cannot predict, what are the downstream API consumers are using this functionality or affects, they will be without some kind of deprecation notice.

So, the recommendation would be:

  • Add ability to filter using a GET request for a filter, so data can be fetched and filtered in one action

  • (As an alternative - preferred) It would be preferable to enable filtering at the block level when retrieving data so a API consumer does not need to add explicit filter blocks in block can use the Guardian API to be more RESTful by default.

  • Post a six month deprecation notice for stateful usage of the filter (revert if hard requirement for others)

An example, code enhancement could be implemented like this (tags are easier to reason about):

From old version:

  public function filterByTag(string $policyId, string $tag, string $uuid): object
      return (object) $this->httpClient->post("policies/{$policyId}/tag/{$tag}/blocks", [
          'filterValue' => $uuid
      ], true);


public function filterByTag(string $policyId, string $tag, string $uuid): object
    return (object) $this->httpClient->get("policies/{$policyId}/tag/{$tag}/blocks?filterValue={$uuid}");

Or provide/document clearly a mechanism to filter on an interface document block itself, which would be preferred.

Referral Link: https://github.com/hashgraph/guardian/issues/3610

Development of AMS-I.E and Mass Comparison on Cookstove methodologies for the Webinar

Designing of the Schema and getting it approved.

Development of the policy using Schema

Development of all the tool involved in the policy

Referral Link : https://github.com/hashgraph/guardian/issues/2923

Auto-testing community submitted policies

Referral Link : https://github.com/hashgraph/guardian/issues/2847

GHG scorecards Research

  • Identify the KPIs (and the data requirements behind them) to be captured by the Environmental scorecards to best support demand signaling.

  • Identify the business requirements for the Environmental Scorecards, i.e., how they could be used by supply and demand-side actors, markets, etc.?

Referral Link : https://github.com/hashgraph/guardian/issues/1017

---- August 2024----

Token action block to work with token templates

Enhance token action block to work with token templates in the same way as it works with pre-defined tokens.

Referral Link: https://github.com/hashgraph/guardian/issues/2839

The task at hand involves modifying the codebase to seamlessly integrate the new MongoDB Atlas connection string without the redundant mongodb:// prefix. The correct format for the DB_HOST environment variable should be mongodb+srv://:@staging.wj9lvfj.mongodb.net/?retryWrites=true&w=majority. This adjustment will ensure a successful and accurate connection to our MongoDB Atlas instance.

Referral Link: https://github.com/hashgraph/guardian/issues/2940

Default values for schema-defined fields

  • Introduce facilities into the Guardian schema language which would allow Guardian policy engine (and humans when they read these schemas in json) to recognize what values should be considered default for the documents based on these schemas.

  • Make Guardian policy engine UI to put in the default values into the fields of forms based on such schemas. The fact that these are default values automatically inserted into the field should be clearly identifiable, i.e. they need to look different from the values users explicitly put into the (other) fields.

  • All standard tools/libraries (e.g. for verification) should work with such schemas out of the box

Referral Link: https://github.com/hashgraph/guardian/issues/2942

API versioning and support/deprecation schedule

Introduce versioning of Guardian API such that:

  • Backward compatibility is not broken for 'old' clients which are unaware of the existence of API versions

  • The versioning technology selected (see options here) is aligned with the wishes of Guardian community

  • API versions deprecation is appropriately embedded into the Guardian Push schedule

  • Versioning numbering scheme:

  • Meaningfully reflects changes in the API from version to version

  • Is aligned with the generally accepted practice

  • Is separate from the Guardian versions

Referral Link: https://github.com/hashgraph/guardian/issues/3236

Leverage the pre-built images as the default way to start Guardian locally

  • Update docker-compose.yml to leverage pre-built images from the latest Push

  • Create a docker-compose-build.yml with the same content as the current docker-compose.yml file to allow developers to build images locally via docker

  • Update the docs accordingly

Referral Link: https://github.com/hashgraph/guardian/issues/3551

GS Methodology for Emission Reductions from Safe Drinking Water Supply v.1.0

  1. Creating Schema design for this methodology.

  2. Development of the schema and policy.

  3. Testing the policy development through Guardian UI and configurator.

Referral Link: https://github.com/hashgraph/guardian/issues/3705

---- September 2024----

Guardian analytics: insights and top-down data way points

The overall goal is to create a tool which provides non-technical high-level users (banks, auditors, analysts, accountants, etc) with insights out the box, and can serve as a way point for further data analytics, discovery and diagnostics.

  • Introduce an AI data analytics backend which automatically and continuously processes and analyses Guardian data across the entire ecosystem with the purpose of identifying patterns, dependencies, trends, important factors and variables, groups (cohorts) of data, etc.

  • Develop an analytics UI and visualization tool which is useable by non-technical users. This UI should allow users to continuously 'zoom in' or 'shift horizontally' on the data or the analytics results to examine them on a more detailed level or for a different parameter set: a different location, industry, sector, time range, specific values etc.

  • Implement functionality to visualize and search the structure (or organization) of Guardian data, which allows users to determine for example which schemas refer to attributes, in which policies they are used, and then seamlessly navigate to which data has been generated that's connected to these.

  • Provide an intelligent search interface which allows users at any point, while looking at a selection of data or an analytics result, to search for a 'similar' data or analytics result, while parameterizing the search with additional criteria. E.g. 'find similar set of MRVs but from projects in West Africa and those produced between 2021 and 2023'.

  • Allow users to save the configuration of their searches, UI settings/configurations and other parameters generating analytics results, etc so users can repeat and further enhance their previous analysis later - with newly available data.

Referral Link: https://github.com/hashgraph/guardian/issues/3341

Rationalize API and UI return error codes

Let’s say I submit incorrect data to a block (as I would like to rely on the schema validation on the guardian) Looking at the logs, I received an error about JSON schema validation:

2023-11-22 17:00:39 hedera-guardian-guardian-service-1 | 2023-11-22T17:00:39.765Z [GUARDIAN_SERVICE]: Error: Error: {"type":"JSON_SCHEMA_VALIDATION_ERROR","details":[{"instancePath":"","schemaPath":"#/required","keyword":"required","params":{"missingProperty":"field4"},"message":"must have required property 'field4'"}]} 

I am receiving a 500 status code back from a block submission in point where I would normally expect to receive something kin to a 422 (unprocessable entity)?

Referral Link: https://github.com/hashgraph/guardian/issues/2933

Simplify default SR schema to take out optional properties

Remove ISIC, geography, law 'required' fields so to simplify the creation of the SRs.

Referral Link: https://github.com/hashgraph/guardian/issues/3435

On-demand state proof generation for critical Guardian operations

  • Introduce the ability to trigger Hedera State Proof generation from Guardian interface for actions/operations or the general status of the Policy.

  • State proofs are to be generated and presented to users for download. Guardian will not keep any registry or store them on the system.

  • Introduce UI and the backend functionality to verify Hedera State Proofs generated by Guardian, ensure the long-term compatibility of this functionality.

Referral Link: https://github.com/hashgraph/guardian/issues/2846

Verra SDVM001 SD Vista Methodology for Time Savings from Improved Cookstoves

  1. Creating Schema design for this methodology.

  2. Development of the schema and policy.

  3. Testing the policy development through Guardian UI and configurator.

Referral Link: https://github.com/hashgraph/guardian/issues/3706

Scope 3/PCF Referencing Demo (Methodology Breakdown)

Once the approach has been approved, we can update the GHGP policy and run the example data, publish the PCFs to the Hedera Network, and demonstrate how another guardian policy (of a supply chain partner) can reference a dynamic PCF to support scope 3 calculations. I believe Wes was interested in having this be a methodology breakdown.

Referral Link: https://github.com/hashgraph/guardian/issues/3723

---- October 2024----

Block configuration (mini-) wizards

Recent improvement in #1655 and #1687 introduced high-level wizards for Policy creation. Similar approach can be taken for configuring individual blocks - wizards can guide users via the flow and provide contextual description/documentation of UI items to avoid referring to the official documentation for user convenience:

  • implement (mini-) wizards for block configuration

  • ensure there is a brief description of each step to guide user understanding of actions

  • allow users to save and exit wizards at any time

Referral Link: https://github.com/hashgraph/guardian/issues/2235

API facilities to retrieve unique references (IDs) of results for API-triggered operations

  • Design a generic approach to the 'traceability' of API calls such that for each API call a chain of events and actions within Guardian policy and especially to outside systems can be established via the unique IDs culminating in:

  • Hedera transactions

  • Hedera topics messages

  • Hedera contract calls

  • Artifacts published on IPFS

  • Introduce a corresponding UI where users can visually observe the same information

  • Consider packaging this into Interactions Resilience Module (see related Hedera interactions resilience module #2905)

Referral Link: https://github.com/hashgraph/guardian/issues/3139

ACR Methodology for Quantifying, Monitoring, Reporting, and Verifying Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reductions and Removals from Landfill Gas Destruction and Beneficial Use Projects

  1. Creating Schema design for this methodology.

  2. Development of the schema and policy.

  3. Testing the policy development through Guardian UI and configurator.

Referral Link: https://github.com/hashgraph/guardian/issues/3707

---- November 2024----

Guardian analytics: bottom-up data traceability

  1. Design and implement specialized analytics engine which would enable Guardian to identify, trace and display relations between data in different artifacts (VCs/VPs/tokens) including events (transactions/messages) on Hedera hashgraph, with unlimited traceability depth.

  2. Intelligent 'understanding' of the nature of the transformations (e.g. in formulas in calculation blocks) is out of scope of this ticket, the analytics engine can view transformations as black boxes. If the 'original' data are used as 'input' into such a black box, for this analytics reporting, it can be assumed that the 'output' data depends on that data.

  3. The system should correctly identify and display references to the 'original' data such as when VC document fields reference document fields in other VCs.

  4. Users should be able to perform complex data searches with the scope limited to the dependencies graph.

Referral Link: https://github.com/hashgraph/guardian/issues/3336

CDM AMS-III.BM Methodology for Lightweight Two and Three Wheeled Personal Transportation

  1. Creating Schema design for this methodology.

  2. Development of the schema and policy.

  3. Testing the policy development through Guardian UI and configurator.

Referral Link: https://github.com/hashgraph/guardian/issues/3709

---- December 2024----

Trustchain support for contract-based issuance and retirement implementation

Extend/modify trustchain implementation to support new contract-based issuance and retirement functionality such that users have visibility to the entire lifecycle of the token and have access to all significant artifacts produced as a result.

Referral Link: https://github.com/hashgraph/guardian/issues/2243

GS Methodology for Collection of Sargassum and Other Macroalgae to Avoid Emissions from Decomposition and to Use for Beneficial Products

  1. Creating Schema design for this methodology.

  2. Development of the schema and policy.

  3. Testing the policy development through Guardian UI and configurator.

Referral Link: https://github.com/hashgraph/guardian/issues/3710

Reviewing and Verifying Atma policy

Some interesting next steps could be to address the final data gaps; engage with PACT to review the policy and schema, provide feedback, and identify new use cases and features; engage with a third-party auditor to review or potentially verify the policy; and eventually have actual downstream supply chain partners referencing the PCF.

Referral Link: https://github.com/hashgraph/guardian/issues/3729

---- January 2025----

Emissions Reduction/Removals (ERRs) Calculation Pre-Calculator in Guardian

Based on input data a estimated ERRs should be able to be queried in project development.

Referral Link: https://github.com/hashgraph/guardian/issues/3619

Formula Driven Definitions & Schema Tree Enhancement

A clear label (and an ability to define a formula) for a business user to build high level definitions and link them to underlying schemas, tools, and patterns closer aligned with VCM formulaic definitions

Referral Link: https://github.com/hashgraph/guardian/issues/3408

Dry-run policy execution 'savepoints' - restart policy dry-run from the list of 'saved' places

  • Introduce a new functionality for users to 'save' dry-run execution status at arbitrary points by clicking 'save state' button.

  • The system should support the creation of multiple save points for the same execution workflow

  • Next time the (draft) policy is executed in the dry-run mode users should be given a choice whether to restart from the beginning or continue execution from any of the 'save points'.

  • Starting execution from a 'save point' invalidates and removes all the other save points that logically followed it

  • It should be possible to delete some or all save points manually

Referral Link: https://github.com/hashgraph/guardian/issues/2838

Standardize UI on Angular Material, remove/replace PrimeNG

  • Standardize Guardian UI to be Material-based

  • Remove/Replace all PrimeNG with Material without changing the look feel

Referral Link: https://github.com/hashgraph/guardian/issues/3141

Verra Methodology for Enhanced Fleet Vehicle and Combustion Engine Efficiency (Under Final Review)

  1. Creating Schema design for this methodology.

  2. Development of the schema and policy.

  3. Testing the policy development through Guardian UI and configurator.

Referral Link: https://github.com/hashgraph/guardian/issues/3711

Enhancing Research on Indexer and Analytics Use Cases

Identify and map out potential uses cases for the indexer and what type of analytics if could be used for.

Referral Link: https://github.com/hashgraph/guardian/issues/3730

Last updated