Get account balance

A query that returns the account balance for the specified account. Requesting an account balance is currently free of charge. Queries do not change the state of the account or require network consensus. The information is returned from a single node processing the query.

Query Fees

  • Please see the transaction and query fees table for base transaction fee

  • Please use the Hedera fee estimator to estimate your query fee cost

Query Signing Requirements

  • The client operator private key is required to sign the query request

new AccountBalanceQuery


//Create the query
AccountBalanceQuery query = new AccountBalanceQuery()

//Sign with the client operator account private key and submit to a Hedera network
Hbar accountBalance = query.execute(client);


//Create the query
const query = new AccountBalanceQuery()

//Sign with the client operator account private key and submit to a Hedera network
Hbar accountBalance = await query.execute(client);



Last updated