Delete a topic

A transaction that deletes a topic from the Hedera network. Once a topic is deleted, the topic cannot be recovered to receive messages and all submitMessage calls will fail. Older messages can still be accessed, even after the topic is deleted, via the mirror node.

Transaction Signing Requirements

  • If the adminKey was set upon the creation of the topic, the adminKey is required to sign to successfully delete the topic

  • If no adminKey was set upon the creating of the topic, you cannot delete the topic and will receive an UNAUTHORIZED error

Transaction Fees

  • Please see the transaction and query fees table for the base transaction fee

  • Please use the Hedera fee estimator to estimate your transaction fee cost


//Create the transaction
TopicDeleteTransaction transaction = new TopicDeleteTransaction()
//Sign the transaction with the admin key, sign with the client operator and submit the transaction to a Hedera network, get the transaction ID
TransactionResponse txResponse = transaction.freezeWith(client).sign(adminKey).execute(client);

//Request the receipt of the transaction
TransactionReceipt receipt = txResponse.getReceipt(client);

//Get the transaction consensus status
Status transactionStatus = receipt.status;

System.out.println("The transaction consensus status is " +transactionStatus);


Get transaction values

//Create the transaction
TopicDeleteTransaction transaction = new TopicDeleteTransaction()

//Get topic ID
TopicId getTopicId = transaction.getTopicId(); 


Last updated