Airdrop a token

The TokenAirdropTransaction allows users to transfer tokens to multiple accounts, handling both fungible tokens and NFTs. Unlike standard token transfers, if the receiver's account lacks available auto-association slots and is not already associated with the token, the transfer intent is captured as a pending transfer rather than failing. If the receiver has available auto-association slots, one is used, and the transaction payer covers the association fee and a fee for a full auto-renewal period. If resulting in a pending airdrop, the airdrop is stored in the network state until claimed by the intended receiver or canceled by the airdrop sender. It also differs from standard CryptoTransfer transactions by not supporting HBAR transfers.

Restrictions on transfer lists and aggregation in TokenAirdrop are consistent with those applied to CryptoTransfer. Specifically:

  • Supports only token transfers (no HBAR transfers).

  • A maximum of 10 balance adjustments in the tokenTransferList and up to 20 combined balance adjustments or NFT ownership changes per transaction, including custom fees.

  • When transferring tokens with custom fees, only two levels of fee nesting are allowed.

  • The sender is responsible for paying all custom fees and the first auto-renewal period's rent for any automatic association.

    • An exception exists for treasury accounts for which custom fees are not assessed, and therefore, fallback fees are not applicable.

Transaction Signing Requirements

  • The sender account key.

  • The transaction fee payer account key if it differs from the sender.

Transaction Fees

  • Please see the transaction and query fees table for the base transaction fee.

  • Please use the Hedera fee estimator to estimate the cost of your transaction fee.

// Create the token airdrop transaction for fungible token
TokenAirdropTransaction transaction = new TokenAirdropTransaction()
        .addTokenTransfer(tokenId, accountId1, -1)
        .addTokenTransfer(tokenId, accountId2, 1)
        .addTokenTransfer(tokenId, accountId1, -1)
        .addTokenTransfer(tokenId, accountId3, 1)

// Sign the transaction with the sender account key and submit it to the Hedera network.
TransactionResponse txResponse = transaction.sign(accountKey).execute(client);

// Request the receipt of the transaction
TransactionReceipt receipt = txResponse.getReceipt(client);

// Get the transaction consensus status
Status transactionStatus = receipt.status;

System.out.println("The transaction consensus status: " + transactionStatus.toString());

// v2.51.0

Last updated