A query to get the contents of a file. Queries do not change the state of the file or require network consensus. The information is returned from a single node processing the query.
Query Signing Requirements
The client operator private key is required to sign the query request
Query Fees
Please see the transaction and query fees table for the base transaction fee
//Create the queryFileContentsQuery query =newFileContentsQuery().setFileId(newFileId);//Sign with client operator private key and submit the query to a Hedera networkByteString contents =query.execute(client);//Change to Utf-8 encodingString contentsToUtf8 =contents.toStringUtf8();System.out.println(contentsToUtf8);//v2.0.0
//Create the queryconstquery=newFileContentsQuery().setFileId(newFileId);//Sign with client operator private key and submit the query to a Hedera networkconstcontents=awaitquery.execute(client);console.log(contents.toString());//v2.0.7
//Create the queryquery :=hedera.NewFileContentsQuery().SetFileID(newFileId)//Sign with client operator private key and submit the query to a Hedera networkcontents, err :=query.Execute(client)fmt.Println(string(contents))//v2.0.0
Get query values
The ID of the file to get contents for (x.z.y)
//Create the queryFileContentsQuery query =newFileContentsQuery().setFileId(newFileId);//Get file IDFileId getFileId =query.getFileId();//v2.0.0
//Create the queryconstquery=newFileContentsQuery().setFileId(newFileId);//Get file IDconstgetFileId=query.getFileId();
//Create the queryquery :=hedera.NewFileContentsQuery().SetFileID(newFileId)//Get file IDgetFileId :=query.GetFileID()//v2.0.0