Create an unsigned transaction

These methods allow you to build a transaction that requires further processing before it is submitted to a Hedera network. After you freeze the transaction you can use .sign(privateKey) to sign the transaction with multiple keys or convert the transaction to bytes for further processing.





Freeze this transaction from further modification to prepare for signing or serialization. You will need to set the node account ID (setNodeAccountId()) and transaction ID (setTransactionId()).



Freeze this transaction from further modification to prepare for signing or serialization. Will use the 'Client', if available, to generate a default Transaction ID and select 1/3 nodes to prepare this transaction for.


Freeze the transaction with a local wallet. Local wallet available in Hedera JavaScript SDK only. >=v2.11.0

Account Alias

//Create an unsigned transaction 
AccountCreateTransaction transaction = new AccountCreateTransaction()
    //Do NOT set an alias if you need to update/rotate keys in the future
    .setInitialBalance(new Hbar(1));

//Freeze the transaction for signing
//The transaction cannot be modified after this point
AccountCreateTransaction freezeTransaction = transaction.freezeWith(client);



Sample Output

crypto_create_account {
auto_renew_period {
seconds: 7776000
initial_balance: 1000
key {
ed25519: "\272g\374\310f\354\274\273bU\256\v\032$e\311\021p\216*L\332\277Y\343\230\277PUmy\373"
receive_record_threshold: 9223372036854775807
send_record_threshold: 9223372036854775807
node_account_i_d {
account_num: 6
realm_num: 0
shard_num: 0
transaction_fee: 100000000
transaction_i_d {
account_i_d {
account_num: 9401
realm_num: 0
shard_num: 0
transaction_valid_start {
nanos: 469101387
seconds: 1604559135
transaction_valid_duration {
seconds: 120

Last updated

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