Mainnet Consensus Nodes

Hedera networks are comprised of two types of nodes: Consensus and Mirror nodes. The Hedera Mainnet consensus nodes are currently permissioned; operated by the Hedera Governing Council. Consensus nodes receive transactions from clients, charge transaction fees, and contribute to consensus being achieved. Mirror nodes are permissionless, and store the history of transactions for optimized queries. Mirror nodes do not submit transactions to the network from clients nor do they participate in consensus.

Mainnet Node Address Book

The address book contains the list of consensus nodes that can submit transactions to mainnet for a user. For each node, the node account ID is the ID of the node (0.0.x) and the node address is the IP address and port for that node. The mainnet address book file ID on mainnet is 0.0.102. The certificate hash value is the SHA384 checksum of the TLS certificate presented from the various IP addresses on port 50212 in PEM format.

For node status, please visit the Hedera status page here.

Note: The TLS port (50212) is currently not supported by Hedera SDKs.

Mainnet Node Public Keys

Below you will find the mainnet node public keys found in the mainnet address book file 0.0.102. You can also access the address book by using the state proof alpha API or SDKs as well. The public keys stored in the address book are hex-encoded keys (x509).

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