Transfer cryptocurrency

A transaction that transfers HBAR and tokens between Hedera accounts. You can enter multiple transfers in a single transaction. The net value of HBAR between the sending accounts and receiving accounts must equal zero.

For a CryptoTransferTransactionBody:

  • Max of 10 balance adjustments in its HBAR transfer list.

  • Max of 10 fungible token balance adjustments across all its token transfer list.

  • Max of 10 NFT ownership changes across all its token transfer list.

  • Max of 20 balance adjustments or NFT ownership changes implied by a transaction (including custom fees).

  • If you are transferring a token with custom fees, only two levels of nesting fees are allowed.

  • The sending account is responsible to pay for the custom token fees.

Transaction Fees

  • Please see the transaction and query fees table for the base transaction fee

  • Please use the Hedera fee estimator to estimate your transaction fee cost

Spender Account Allowances

An account can have another account spend tokens on its behalf. If the delegated spender account is transacting tokens from the owner account that authorized the allowance, the owner account needs to be specified in the transfer transaction by calling one of the following:

  • addApprovedHbarTransfer()

  • addApprovedTokenTransfer()

  • addApprovedNftTransfer()

  • addApprovedTokenTransferWithDecimals()

The debiting account is the owner's account when using this feature.

Note: The allowance spender must pay the fee for the transaction.

Transaction Signing Requirements

  • The accounts the tokens are being debited from are required to sign the transaction

    • If an authorized spender account is spending on behalf of the account that owns the tokens then the spending account is required to sign

  • The transaction fee-paying account is required to sign the transaction


// Create a transaction to transfer 1 HBAR 
TransferTransaction transaction = new TransferTransaction()
     .addHbarTransfer(OPERATOR_ID, new Hbar(-1))
     .addHbarTransfer(newAccountId, evmAddress, new Hbar(1));

//Submit the transaction to a Hedera network
TransactionResponse txResponse = transaction.execute(client);

//Request the receipt of the transaction
TransactionReceipt receipt = txResponse.getReceipt(client);

//Get the transaction consensus status
Status transactionStatus = receipt.status;

System.out.println("The transaction consensus status is " +transactionStatus);

//Version 2.0.0

Get transaction values

// Create a transaction 
CryptoTransferTransaction transaction = new CryptoTransferTransaction()
    .addSender(OPERATOR_ID, new Hbar(1)
    .addRecipient(newAccountId, new Hbar(1));

//Get transfers
List<Transfer> transfers = transaction.getTransfers();


Last updated