
Unfreezes transfers of the specified token for the account. Must be signed by the Token's freezeKey.

If the provided account is not found, the transaction will resolve to INVALID_ACCOUNT_ID.

If the provided account has been deleted, the transaction will resolve to ACCOUNT_DELETED.

If the provided token is not found, the transaction will resolve to INVALID_TOKEN_ID.

If the provided token has been deleted, the transaction will resolve to TOKEN_WAS_DELETED.

If an Association between the provided token and account is not found, the transaction will resolve to TOKEN_NOT_ASSOCIATED_TO_ACCOUNT.

If no Freeze Key is defined, the transaction will resolve to TOKEN_HAS_NO_FREEZE_KEY.

Once executed the Account is marked as Unfrozen and will be able to receive or send tokens. The operation is idempotent.


Last updated