Local Provider

LocalProvider is a quality of life implementation that creates a provider using the HEDERA_NETWORK environment variable.

The LocalProvider() requires the following variable to be defined in the .env file. The .env file is located in the root directory of the project.


    • The network the wallet submits transactions to

//Example .env file
HEDERA_NETWORK= previewnet/testnet/mainnet (select one network)

class LocalProvider implements Wallet


new LocalProvider()

Instantiates the LocalProvider object. The local provider is built using HEDERA_NETWORK network specified in the .env file.


<LocalProvider>.getAccountBalance()** -> Promise <AccountBalance>**

Returns the account balance of the account in the local wallet.

<LocalProvider>.getAccountInfo()** -> Promise <AccountInfo>**

Returns the account information of the account in the local wallet.

<LocalProvider>.getAccountRecords()** -> Promise <AccountInfo>**

Returns the last transaction records for this account using TransactionRecordQuery.

<LocalProvider>.getLedgerId()->** LedgerId**

Returns the ledger ID (previewnet, testnet, or mainnet).

<LocalProvider>.getMirrorNetwork()->** string**

The mirror network the wallet is connected to.

<LocalProvider>.getNetwork()->** [key: string]: string | **** AccountId**

Returns the network map information.

<LocalProvider>.getTransactionReceipt()-> Promise<TransactionReceipt>

Returns the transaction receipt.

<LocalProvider>.waitForReceipt()-> Promise<TransactionReceipt>

Wait for the receipt for a transaction response.

<LocalProvider>.call(<RequestT, ResponseT, OutputT>(request: Executable<RequestT, ResponseT, OutputT>)->** Promise <Output>**

Sign and send a request using the wallet.

Local Wallet Example:

import { Wallet, LocalProvider } from "@hashgraph/sdk";

async function main() {

    const wallet = new Wallet(
        new LocalProvider()

    const info = await wallet.getAccountInfo();

    console.log(`info.key                          = ${info.key.toString()}`);

void main();

Sign with Local Wallet Example:

const {Wallet, LocalProvider, TransferTransaction} = require("@hashgraph/sdk");

async function main() {

    const wallet = new Wallet(
        new LocalProvider()

    //Transfer 1 hbar from my wallet account to account 0.0.3
    const transaction = await new TransferTransaction()
        .addHbarTransfer(wallet.getAccountId(), -1)
        .addHbarTransfer("0.0.3", 1)
    //Sign the transaction
    const signTransaction = await transaction.signWithSigner(wallet);

    //Submit the transaction
    const response = await signTransaction.executeWithSigner(wallet);

    //Get the receipt
    const receipt = await wallet.getProvider().waitForReceipt(response);
    console.log(`status: ${receipt.status.toString()}`);


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