

The Balances endpoints in the Hedera Mirror Node REST API allows developers to query account balances on the Hedera network. These endpoints provides real-time and historical balance data, essential for wallets, explorers, and financial applications.


The following endpoint is available for the Balances object:



GET /api/v1/balances

Retrieves a list of account balances.


The balance object represents the balance of accounts on the Hedera network. You can retrieve this to view the most recent balance of all the accounts on the network at that given time. The balances object returns the account ID and the balance in HBAR. Balances are checked on a periodic basis and thus return the most recent snapshot of time captured prior to the request.

The balance object represents the balance of accounts on the Hedera network. It allows you to retrieve the most recent snapshot of all account balances on the network at a given time. Since balances are updated periodically, the returned values reflect the latest recorded state before the request.

Each balance object includes:

  • Account ID – The Hedera account being queried.

  • Balance (in HBAR) – The most recent balance available.

  • Token Balances (if applicable) – Associated token balances for the account.

List account balances


Returns a list of account and token balances on the network. Balance information returned by this API has a 15 minute granularity as it's generated by an asynchronous balance snapshot process. This information is limited to at most 50 token balances per account as outlined in HIP-367. As such, it's not recommended for general use and we instead recommend using either /api/v1/accounts/{id}/tokens or /api/v1/tokens/{id}/balances to obtain the current token balance information and /api/v1/accounts/{id} to return the current account balance.

Query parameters

Account id or account alias with no shard realm or evm address with no shard realm

Pattern: ^(\d{1,10}\.){0,2}(\d{1,10}|(0x)?[A-Fa-f0-9]{40}|(?:[A-Z2-7]{8})*(?:[A-Z2-7]{2}|[A-Z2-7]{4,5}|[A-Z2-7]{7,8}))$

The optional balance value to compare against

Example: {"summary":"--","value":""}
Pattern: ^((gte?|lte?|eq|ne)\:)?\d{1,10}$

The account's public key to compare against

Example: 3c3d546321ff6f63d701d2ec5c277095874e19f4a235bee1e6bb19258bf362be
limitinteger · int32 · min: 1 · max: 100 · default: 25optional

The maximum number of items to return

Example: 2
orderundefined · enum · default: "desc"optional

The order in which items are listed

Example: asc
Options: asc, desc

The consensus timestamp as a Unix timestamp in seconds.nanoseconds format with an optional comparison operator. See for a simple way to convert a date to the 'seconds' part of the Unix time.

Example: {"summary":"--","value":""}
curl -L \
  --url '/api/v1/balances'
  "timestamp": "1586567700.453054000",
  "balances": [
      "account": "0.15.10",
      "balance": 80,
      "tokens": [
          "token_id": "0.0.200001",
          "balance": 8
  "links": {
    "next": null

Response Details

Response Item


The seconds.nanoseconds of the timestamp at which the list of balances for each account are returned


List of balances for each account


The ID of the account


The balance of the account


The tokens that are associated to this account


The ID of the token associated to this account


The token balance for the specified token associated to this account

Hyperlink to the next page of results

Optional Filtering


lt (less than)


Returns the balances of account IDs less than 1,000

lte (less than or equal to)


Returns the balances account IDs less than or equal to 1,000

gt (greater than)


Returns the balances of account IDs greater than to 1,000

gte (greater than or equal to)


Returns the balances of account IDs greater than or equal to 1,000

order (order asc or desc values)



Lists balances in ascending order

Lists balances in descending order

Additional Examples

Example Requests


Returns balance for account ID 1,000


Returns all account IDs that have a balance greater than 1000 tinybars


Returns all account balances referencing the latest snapshot that occurred prior to 1566562500 seconds and 040961001 nanoseconds

/api/v1/balances?account.publickey=2b60955bcbf0cf5e9ea880b52e5b6 3f664b08edf6ed15e301049517438d61864

Returns balance information for 2b60955bcbf0cf5e9ea880b52e5b63f664b08edf6ed 15e301049517438d61864 public key

Last updated

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