Hedera Mirror Node

The Hedera Consensus Service (HCS) is a gRPC API endpoint on the mirror node to stream HCS messages. It offers the ability to subscribe to HCS topics and receive messages for the topic subscribed to. API docs for the mirror nodes can be found here:

Mirror Node REST APIHedera Consensus Service gRPC API


The non-production public mainnet mirror node serves to help developers build their applications without having to run their own mirror node. For production-ready mainnet mirror nodes, please check out Validation Cloud, Arkhia, Dragonglass, Hgraph, or Ledger Works. When building your Hedera client via SDK, you can use setMirrorNetwork() and enter the public mainnet mirror node endpoint. The gRPC API requires TLS. The following SDK versions support TLS:

  • Java: v2.0.6+

  • JavaScript: v2.0.23+

  • Go: v2.1.9+

Public mainnet mirror node requests per second (RPS) are currently throttled at 50 per IP address. These configurations may change in the future depending on performance or security considerations. At this time, no authentication is required.

//You will need to upgrade to v2.0.6 or higher
Client client = Client.forMainnet();


The endpoints provided below allow developers to access the testnet mirror node, which contains testnet transaction data.


The endpoints provided below allow developers to access the previewnet mirror node, which contains previewnet transaction data.

Last updated

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