Get schedule info

A query that returns information about the current state of a schedule transaction on a Hedera network.

Schedule Info Response


Schedule ID

The ID of the schedule transaction

Creator Account ID

The Hedera account that created the schedule transaction in x.y.z format

Payer Account ID

The Hedera account paying for the execution of the schedule transaction in x.y.z format

Scheduled Transaction Body

The scheduled transaction (inner transaction).


The signatories that have provided signatures so far for the schedule transaction

Admin Key

The Key which is able to delete the schedule transaction if set

Expiration Time

The date and time the schedule transaction will expire

Executed Time

The time the schedule transaction was executed. If the schedule transaction has not executed this field will be left null.

Deletion Time

The consensus time the schedule transaction was deleted. If the schedule transaction was not deleted, this field will be left null.


Publicly visible information about the Schedule entity, up to 100 bytes. No guarantee of uniqueness.

Wait for Expiry

Coming soon... When set to true, the transaction will be evaluated for execution at expiration_time instead of when all required signatures are received. When set to false, the transaction will execute immediately after sufficient signatures are received to sign the contained transaction. During the initial ScheduleCreate transaction or via ScheduleSign transactions. Reference HIP-423

Query Signing Requirements

  • The client operator key is required to sign the query request


new ScheduleInfoQuery()

Initializes the ScheduleInfoQuery object

new ScheduleInfoQuery()


Last updated

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