Get token info

Gets information about a fungible or non-fungible token instance. The token info query returns the following information:

Query Fees

  • Please see the transaction and query fees table for base transaction fee

  • Please use the Hedera fee estimator to estimate your query fee cost

new TokenInfoQuery()


//Create the query
TokenInfoQuery tokenInfo = new TokenInfoQuery()

//Submit the query to the network and obtain the token supply
long totalSupply = tokenInfo.execute(client).totalSupply;
System.out.println("The total supply of this token is " +totalSupply)
//Version: 1.2.2
//Create the query
const tokenInfo = new TokenInfoQuery()

//Submit the query to the network and obtain the token supply
const totalSupply = await tokenInfo.execute(client).totalSupply;

console.log("The total supply of this token is " +totalSupply)

//Version 1.4.3

Last updated