Understanding Hedera for EVM Developers

Hedera vs Ethereum

While Hedera strives for EVM equivalence, it's important to recognize certain unique aspects and fundamental differences in its network architecture and operations, such as the handling of state data structures, hashing algorithms, and the management of accounts and transactions. These distinctions in network behaviors are intentional design choices made to align with EVM standards, thereby achieving EVM compatibility. This approach ensures that while Hedera aligns closely with Ethereum, it also maintains its distinctive features and optimization.

Network and Security Differences

*Note: Hedera'a EVM supports Keccak-256. Transactions received through EthereumTransaction (via the JSON-RPC relay) are hashed using Keccak-256. Only transactions using ED25519 keys through the Hedera API (HAPI) are hashed using SHA-384.

Account and Authorization Differences

Contract and Gas Differences

Transactions and Queries Differences

RPC Endpoint and Communication Differences

Note: Hedera Consensus and mirror nodes do not provide Ethereum RPC API endpoints.

Token and Fee Differences

**Note: Token Association only applies to native HTS tokens and does not affect ERC-20/721 tokens.

Other Differences

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